Mixed Martial Art


I agree. But maybe we have seen the weakness of Silva? During round 3 n 1/2 to 5, he was mediocre at most, maia almost even managed to finish him. It would be fun to see him against GSP the super cardio, my money on GSP.

I agree. But maybe we have seen the weakness of Silva? During round 3 n 1/2 to 5, he was mediocre at most, maia almost even managed to finish him. It would be fun to see him against GSP the super cardio, my money on GSP.

Maia did fight back, but he was no where close to finishing anderson silva.
hilarious:) Mayhem is such a gangsta lol.

The matchup makes me wonder whether cage and ring should cross over in the first place, we have seen people like dan henderson, Aoki, Gegard Mousasi, even the Pride champions like nogueira, cro cop excels in the ring, but they didnt seem to adapt as well in the cage. Whereas in the past people like Anderson Silva or Chuck Liddell didn't do very well in Pride either. Of course there seems to be some exceptions as well, like Shogun or rampage, but in general, should people crossover at all, is it fair?

I mean since when did Aoki get dominated completely and entirely. Mousasi man handled Gary Goodrige and Manhoef whom are very similar to King Mo but in the cage it seems to be the other way. But of course one could always argue Mousasi shouldn't make the weight jump in the first place.
Here's a good link if anyone's looking to add on strength,size:


Heya stevieG, yea some fighters have problems adjusting to the UFC due to different Rules& most importantly, the use of of a Cage.

The Cage can be used as a tool, that's why Randy Couture one helluva fighter. He started fighting at the age of 33 - though his wrestling background& a high level of self-discipline helped -& one of the reasons aside form a big heart, is his octagon awareness.

A lot of folks especially critics would dismiss MMA as just a form of human cockfighting but chances are they ain't aware of the art that goes with the sport.
Honestly I don't think Shinya is all as good as they make him to be. I don't think he was the top 2 lightweight at any point of time.
Nice link bro. I read his autobiography "It's True, It's True" and back in WWE, Angle and Lesnar has sort of a mini-personal feud, and angle said in the book while lesnar would deny ever losing to angle, angle said that he was used to beating big guys like lesnar easily. angle is just that damn good as a wrestler. I've always wondered whether he'd join MMA, because of all the success wrestlers have been receiving.
I was at the library: JEast branch& I realized they have a pretty good collection of autobiographies. Liddell,Couture's book can be found there.
Tito Ortiz posted a $25,000 bond and was released from the Huntington Beach Police Department at around 4:30 p.m. PT today, according to Russell Reinhart, a lieutenant and spokesperson with the HBPD.

Ortiz, 35, was arrested this morning by HBPD officers who responded to a domestic violence call placed by the father of his longtime girlfriend, former adult film actress Jenna Jameson, with whom he shares a home. Ortiz was taken to the HBPD jail at 11:45 a.m. and booked on suspicion of domestic abuse.

According to a TMZ.com report issued mere hours after police arrested him, Ortiz could be in trouble with the UFC depending on the outcome of the domestic violence charge. UFC president Dana White told the celebrity news site his promotion could cut the star based on the alleged incident.

"Other than going on a killing spree, being accused of domestic violence is the worst thing you can have going for you," White today told the celebrity news site.

Ortiz and White share a long and contentious relationship. White helped manage Ortiz prior to taking the job of UFC boss and oversaw the fighter's long reign over the light heavyweight division. But the relationship slowly soured over Ortiz's fight schedule in 2003 and deteriorated further in a spat over compensation at the end of his contract in 2007.

After a year of open war in the press, the two mended fences and Ortiz signed a new UFC contract which saw him return to the cage at UFC 106 this past November. Ortiz lost a split decision to former 205-pound champion Forrest Griffin in the event's headliner.

White told TMZ he would wait for police reports on the alleged incident before he cut Ortiz.

HBPD detectives are currently writing a report on the alleged crime and will present their findings to the Orange County District Attorney's Office in the next few days, said Reinhart.

HBPD Lieutenant Mike Reynolds today told MMAjunkie.com (www.mmajunkie.com) that Ortiz is "cooperating with the investigation."

Orange County District Attorney spokesperson Farrah Emami said the DA's office has until the date of Ortiz's arraignment (a court appearance to answer charges) to make a decision whether to file formal charges. Reinhart said an arraignment date has not been set.

Jameson, 36, was spotted by TMZ.com exiting a CVS drugstore in Huntington Beach, Calif., with a medical brace on her right arm. She later told reporters that she had filed a restraining order against Ortiz and would press charges on the domestic abuse charge.

"I'm completely shocked," she said. "Tito is a loving, sweet man. And I've always supported him through everything. For him to lash out at me like this is shocking. And I feel completely betrayed. I feel bad for my children."

Jameson and Ortiz have one-year-old twins together. Ortiz also has a son from a previous marriage.

Saul Soliz, Ortiz's longtime trainer, told MMAjunkie.com he received no indication that the pair's relationship had soured prior to the alleged incident.

"With me and Tito, it's mostly business," he said.

Longtime friends "Razor" Rob McCullough and Tiki Ghosen did not respond to requests for comment.

A report Monday afternoon from FoxNews.com said Ortiz in 1998 plead guilty to "battery with serious bodily injury" and was sentenced to three years probation, 29 days in jail and 232 hours of community service.

..Bruthas do check back on mmajunkie for updates though cos the story ain't what it seem apparently.
But really, why Machida? I hear lots of people saying he's more skilled and undefeated and stuff like that. But Shogun was 18 - 2 entering the UFC, with losses to only Babalu when he was 22, who can be argued as one of the best LHWs at that time and 5 years his senior. The Coleman match was a fluke, as Shogun broke his arm when he fell down. Forrest Griffin, he was coming in with a knee injury. And his last lost, that to Machida, was just bad judging in my opinion. Shogun has a good style and he's fought the best. He's 3 years younger than Machida to add to that. Personally I'd rank him in top 5 P4P
Yup, Shogun definitely won that match by all opinions (maybe except the 3 ufc as'ho' judges). I dunno man, to be honest Machida fighting isn't my thing but I think he is damn efficient and patient, doesn't rush into things. But it will definitely be a close fight. Damn, I miss those stomps by Shogun in the Pride days, it was his highlight! Does UFC disallow it or is he more 'on his feets' in UFC.