Miss Singapore Universe 06, What do you think of them?

And the fact that their boobies are made to look 3 times bigger after being edited makes it very not girls next door ... :lol:
It's alright, we're probably not on the same page on defining the word beauty. You're saying we can win if we get these FHM or was it maxim girls into the Miss Universe competition, i say we'll still get our asses kicked. It's like saying why don't send the winners of Futsal to Asia Cup cause they played real good 'live'! My fellow singaporeans, sometimes we think too highly of ourselves.

No offence either BUT
IMO- i really do feel this year contestants are pretty lacking in......most apsect of what defines as a beauty contest.

Sg hot chicks are all busy partying away than to take part in miss SU
Frozen said:
How do they pick them anyway? If they have judges, they have crap judges. As long as I remembered the contestants for miss singapore have been so-so...some are even scary...

This year's girls joining might be super lousy, so the judges bo bian mah

i'm sure we totally can find one of the girls around us that we know that can single handed beat ALL of them
somehow it saddens me to think that singapore judges look out for brains more than beauty, when actual fact, everyone looks at beauty first...you tell me if i show u a very ugly girl and a very hot girl, the ugly girl a degree holder and a hot girl, a school dropout, who would u choose on first glimpse?
if any of you have pretty sisters whom you strongly feel will be a better representation of Miss Singapore, please let us know.
we propose to her to take part in the competition and win.

same thing for music, if we feel we can do better than those pop song playing currently on the radio, we should do something and get our song onto the radio.

that's what i will do, hilmano.
Miss Universe is nothing more than a male chauvinist competition. If it's about beauty and brains why do they base the judgment on beauty first before deciding on brains at the last last stage of the show?

The only Miss Singapore universe i remember(other than nuraliza osman and jaime teo etc) was this chick who didn't win, but went into the question and answer part.

Q: You are stranded on an Island. Which would you choose, a makeup set or a handphone?

A: I would choose the handphone because erm .. i will be able to give out radiation .. and stuff ...

That was priceless man ...
i remember that the first year that i've been here....i laugh like hell when i saw ms singapore universe, no offense,well some are ok,but to me,its like the nightmare rojak,where all of the nonsense things mix together
c'mon,if you guys watch that miss singapore universe thingy and take a walk to orchard cine at saturday night,i bet you'll find better looking chix at cine...much" better one

no offense yeaw
nicely said dude hahaha our miss singapore universe always stuck at first round. It happen only once when one of our girls got thru till quarter final when singapore was the host nation. After that all crash and burn liao.
ramius32, i have edited your post. please be nice to these girls. it is not easy to be competiting in such competition.
Oh wow. I actually watched the show. Lol. I got shocked 3 times throughout the show.

First shocker: The indian girl, Zeenat Nisha(I think) didn't get to the top 5 although her answer and the way she speaks is just wayyyyy better than all of them(ok maybe one or two could be better than her).

Second shocker: Susnita Rai(I think again) didn't get into top 3 when she's better than any of them(except maybe Jade Seah).

Last and biggest shocker: The hot favourite of the night, the loveliest and SMARTEST LEFT OF ALL OF THEM got only 1st runner up and the winner speaks weird english. She has all this accent and she got stuck at the questions.

I'm pretty sure most of the girls would be thinkin "where have I gone wrong?"

Pageants are so weird. :\ And I pity those people who actually smsed, voting like mad cuz I don't think it was put into consideration at all. It was just a total waste of money. Lol.
with all the sms voting...i dont think that its a healthy competition anymore...its more to 'the more peeps that i know,the bigger chance that i'll win'
i know tv station want to get extra income by this kind of sms...but this is not a good way to do it,its not everytime you supposed to sms...
bloody hell....i supposed in the future,we are required to vote with sms,whether we want a commercial break,how long the break is,and which commercial should appear....

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