Miss Singapore Universe 06, What do you think of them?


New member
Firstly I apologise if I may offend someone with this topic, be it the contestants themselves, their immediate loved ones reading this thread (boyfriens, brother etc.). I happen to caught up with the teaser for the latest Miss Singapore Universe.
What do you think of the quality of this years contestants? To my opinion, There's many better looking Singaporean ladies who doesn't showcase themselves.
Is it just me or do many many singaporean Women just look incerdibly HOTT but there is not even one who is good enough to win a crown internationally? :D :D ...
I know one of the girls. She joined last year too. I don't get it...I've seen her at other pageants (school) and she cannot speak proper english.

Second time? Are the prizes that good?

I've got my sights on 1 girl...haha...forgot her name though...some are pretty good too...but the rest are trash! Before the final 18...there were the bikini ads on TV...1 of them scared the shit outta me!
i think that miss universe singapore is a waste of channel 5's timeslot...
spoil sia.. skip tv programmes till the next week, just to see average beautiful singaporean ladies...haizz...
No la...I think the shows wasting time slots are the Oprah Winfrey show and Entertainment Tonight...I don't mind them showing at their evening slots...but why are they repeating them the following next morning?! That also means that it cancels out my american sitcoms! I'm peeved!
Waste of taxpayer's money, send them there to get trashed... No offence la, but i think that internationally, our women cannot make it. I'm not saying i can make it as a guy either, i look like crap. So there you have it. I see the finalists, you may find them chio, but when compared internationally how to win? Sorry if i offend anyone, it's just my humble opinion.
there's one dark-skinned woman with big eyes and a ear-to-ear grin which makes me cringe whenever the ad comes on. i'm sticking with MTV.

no offence.
How do they pick them anyway? If they have judges, they have crap judges. As long as I remembered the contestants for miss singapore have been so-so...some are even scary...
yeah i think its like musicians...

the best ppl would never join a competition to win a title... think of all the great musicians over the world... did they win some "musician idol" competition to get to wher ethey are today?
there are a lot of hot chicks in singapore, its just that they dont take part

somehow i feel last year's batch of finalists were much better than this year's, but seriously someone has to do something about the standards of the contestants, like dangling a bigger carrot, more attractive prizes, otherwise its the same boring shit every year

you think this contest is bad? look at the last edition of Maxim, the one with Tiffany Lee on the cover, check out the contestants for the miss maxim contest, i'm sure theres one contestant in there who will freak you out more than dark skinned people ever will.
you know the winning tactic? get all the fhm's girls next door and sub with all these contestants and miss universe will hail from our beautiful island. anyone agree?
speaking of fhm's girls next door, i dont mean to sound like a spoilt sport but isnt the term "girls next door" supposed to mean a girl who relies more on charm and raw beauty than anything else? because from what i saw in the fhm mag, it looked more like just another beauty pagent.