MediaCorp looking for musicians/actors


New member

Hi guys, i'm helping a friend doing casting in mediacorp.
(so don't reply to me) they're looking for some people to act
in an episode of (i think) Life Story, tracking the life of The

Looking for the male bands who are the following:

(quoted from email)
1) Age: around 17 - 22

2) Race: can be mixed but no malay...We are looking for one band to act
as the Stompers (4Males) And 3 other bands at a backstage practicing on
their instruments.

Four piece band, all male, with lead guitar, bass guitar, drums and
rhythm guitar. no lead singer. Age should be about teenage (ie. 16-20)

4) If the bands have their own equipment, better still but must be old looking type as the story is set n the 1960s.

5) it's better if they can play.

6) the story is on the Quests, how the band is formed and their ups n
downs in the music industry.

7) The 3 bands needed at the backstage will be needed on the 23rd august
(from 7am - 11am : but this is only a tentative schedule - subjected to

8) the band acting as Stompers will be needed on the 24th August from
7am to 12pm. Also a tentative schedule - subjected to changes).

each person will be paid $30 (negotiable)

if you're interested, call
Fera - 82681475
1960.. malays HAVE BANDS they rule all the f*cking stage .. more than chinese... they have swings.. and in 1960s we ruled the music world with p ramlee and much more. And how come they say 1960 no malays in a band? the director and writer didnt do research uh?

good god want to say dont want malay say ahhh dnt need false historical facts *no offence poster im just telling off the casting director*
im saying this on the account of

Unlikely to have a
Malay in the band, cos those days, rarely had Malays playing in bands

siala last time non-chinese musicians rule the local music scene sia......

Jap Cheong anyhow only..... :roll:
not my business.
copy and paste the email.
anyway Jap Chong is pretty well respected and surely knows his stuff.
i wouldn't point any fingers at Jap or the director if i were you guys.

researchers, the person who typed the email. wadeva. lot of possibilities
as to who's at fault. so i wouldn't say any thing like so and so damn cock
or wadeva. point out the mistake in writing and move on.
anyway guys,
if you need the spare cash, call fera, find out what you're gonna do on air.
if you gotta actually play, play well, and take it as free air time and

money aside, it could work to your band's advantage if you're lucky and
play your cards rite.
it's a gd deal k?
if you guys got the spare time give fera a call.
shes damn nice, so dun scold her.

it's only a few hours.
hmmm comes to no surprise..
these days only 'mandarin-speaking' people get better opportunities.. don't nobody deny it.. next time when your grandfather or father rants about being unemployed, listen to who he blames :D
what a disgrace to soft.. what a disgrace to singapore (plus its bloody national day)..
and most of all a disgrace to humanity.. -_- sorry im ticked off..
Somehow I have the feeling that Jap Chong didn't add that part about the unlikelihood of Malays rarely in a band. It must have been from the production/Mediacorp crew side of things.

No further comments about the quality of the local tv production, heh
i believe a person must do some solid research then he can proceed with this kinda projects. oh well, good luck to this production then :)
I have a feelin that there was no malice intended in the "race" section of the ad.So relax bros. 8)

Maybe the look required is just extremely unbiased but trying to be as objective to what they perceive the original to be as

1) Males (SO why not say that there were lots of female bandmembers in the 60's too and accuse Jap of being sexist too?)

2)Who don't look Malay(it could affect crux of the storyline/plot/realism i suppose?)

Casting is supposed to be professional, not to be taken personally I'm sure.You can't have Brad Pitt to act as the King of Nigeria or something like that.

Maybe the ad could have been written with more tact and with a less-wanky implicative "reason" for their preference.

Chill bros :D
+1 snuffleupagus.

thanks for your understanding.

maybe it wasnt a gd idea to cut and paste the whole emial here.
im gonna edit...
look guys.

get casted or don't ok.

i just thought i'd try n open up the opportunity
to any of you guys.

i'm sorry a lot of you got offended. a lot of the times
research is done by talking to experienced people in
related to events. sometimes it's read up on. it's hard
to say whos fault it is.

and just my bit, from having worked there before,
there're plenty of malays in mediacorp and i've seen
zero racial tension so far. so im gonna maintain on
neutral ground on this issue.

casting director, fera, is malay herself.

and on another note,
i think she'd still appreciate it if any of you guys would
help her out in getting casted. she might be having a
hard time looking for bands.
"1960.. malays HAVE BANDS they rule all the f*cking stage .. more than chinese... they have swings.. and in 1960s we ruled the music world with p ramlee and much more. And how come they say 1960 no malays in a band? the director and writer didnt do research uh?

Well then, I guess if Malays ruled in the 1960s in music, they may not have ruled in the areas of, say, racial harmony, if they had you and your 'great' tact trying to represent them. (Please read what I actually mean rather than conclude this as a racial slur --> I'm a portion Malay myself)

Please, some tact. tsk tsk. The requirements specified aren't to do with racial discrimination but merely an attempt at 'accurate' visual representation of the bands involved in the storyline.

To put things into simpler logic for you, I'm albino, I'm fair skinned. Do you think they'll cast me as an Indian in a Bollywood film? F*ck, I wouldn't even be casted as a Chinese in The Quests! I don't think that means that's discrimination against the albino race... Oh wait, albinism isn't a race! My mistake!

Seriously, is there a need for such an outcry every single time? You'd think we would have all evolved past the stage of pettiness by now and learn to relac one corner a bit with each other. It's the 00s by now. The millennium has restarted, but not our sense of integrity. We're no longer back in our fisherman kampong days where Chinese and Malays had to argue over whose pussy ate whose fish, or whose lanj*ao is bigger.

AND, if you feel racially discriminated, don't you think you could protest in a more intellectual or constructive way? Your ranting equals to little more than waving a parang at somebody and insisting that you want democracy and equal treatment. To put things into simpler terms again, it's like Madonna wearing fur coats and preaching about saving the world and the environment.

I feel that for the majority of us here in SOFT, we aren't racist, so we could have been spared all that ranting. We are, however, stupid-ists, and hence, I'm replying to you. I have Malay and Chinese and Indian friends, and so do many people here. We didn't need a racial ranting. Heck, I would even make friends with an elf or a fairy, if they existed (They do!)

Who would have thought a simple casting call would have equaled to a discussion on racism. Use your blain, use your blain.
so well said levan!! :smt041 :drinkers:

yea, this is just a simple thread for glen to help his friend at mediacorp find actors for a program. why get offended by something so so so trivial? and dude, even if you really needed to point out someone else's mistake, you could have done it in a more tactful way. cheers..

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