MediaCorp looking for musicians/actors

snuffs..wt my botox injections and dyed hair I cud turn back time from 42 to 24...WAIT ...dammm still not enuff!!!
Those who want to complain just take up it with the people responsible la!! What happened to "don't shoot the messenger"?

in the words of King Leonides "In Spartan law, everyone is held accountable for his words" :twisted:
And I thot Leonidas was a chocolate shop! Haha!

Anyway, like Levan said previously, someone obviously made a mistake. Or they moved in different circles. Or they didn't read enough books about the local English music scene.

They probably thot that it was either all Chinese bands (Crescendos, Trailers), mixed (Eurasian + Chinese) - The Quests, Cyclones (wait is Siva Choy Eurasian or Indian).

And they left out the Malay Pop Yeh Yeh acts and the Malay acts who played instrumentals (there were A LOT of Shadows' copyists), and the Malay bands who sang in English...

Still, hopefully this project turns out good (and not some vanity project) as it would be good to have a faithful interpretation of The Quests, unlike that play some time ago "Call It Shanty" or something, where the band wasn't even called The Quests and they had a penchant for singing Elvis (even tho Cliff Richard, The Rolling Stones and The BEatles were bigger influences by the 1960s).

The Quests RULE! Reggie (the first guitar hero here?), Jap, Henry, Wee and Vernon: may your legacy never fade!!
BTW, extras don't normally get paid much

The last time I remember it was $35 bucks, basically, go there, get in costume, makeup, had drinks, a few smokes, ate a couple of buns, "acted" for like all of one hour (excluding resets et al - where the drinking/smoking/eating bits came in) and then went home.

Um, $35 for that, not bad. Better than sweating at Macs to earn the same amount.

If you're selected to be a Stomper, you should negotiate for as high as you can get. The other background bands, um, good luck, you can still TRY: just don't expect anything too much, yah? It's MediaCorp. They got money, I know, but the reason they got money is becos they don't like to spend it! HAHA!
hah see what I mean?

BTW I'm not Chinese, not fully Malay, Not Indian, Not fully Eurasian ... I'm just Singaporean
aiya whatever remarks be it racist or crap talk or whatever people say to each other,its only words what.why lose temper by just them words?go in one ear go out the other la.if only the whole world was like this,it would certainly make this place a lot better.

im a malay myself.i luv all the races in singapore and all around the world.

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