Marketing of local it worth?

Marketing of local music ... is it worth it?

why not? If you feel that your music is good.

Wait, saying that your own stuff is good is not enough. Please do a simple market research.

Play your music/songs to strangers(at least 100). Ask them how they feel, would they pay $$ for it?

you cant force people to like your stuff if they dont. imagine going to a resturant and the waiter keep asking you to eat something which you detest. :cry:

well, if the food is nice, even if it look horrible, the resturant is at a ulu place, the cook/waiter cant speak properly and worst still, dirty until ENV also wont visit. People will travel 1 end of the island to the other end, Q 2 hours and order 4 plates of the same thing!

Then the tv station will come, newspaper will feature, even celebrities from oversea will sneak in to try the yummy food.
y some radio stations never play extreme metal or hardcore stuffs? hmm..which radio stations are u referring to dat play frenly stuffs? and not forgetting proper and good recording quality stuffs..hmm..might be frenly to u..might not to our guys down here..

its true the standard thing is pretty subjective..anyway, they are still at mercy of which radio stations? hmm..maybe ur kind of frenly radio station isn't my kind of SUGGESTED radio station..thank god there are many different genres of stations for different kinds of ears..if im not mistaken, we're toking bout market rite?

by the way, i realli like soft's post..a very good example that we all can learn..
Hoping someone to help you, help yourself first!

I had heard many bands and some are really good bands but just too bad, they are not ready even for grooming. Most bands and mostly in fact, will think that their songs will be hit! but after listening, their songs are really not good. Not good in the sense of arranging, not good in the sense of the vocalist vocal quality, not good in the sense of composing.

Be positive to all comments, when I give a comment on a band, that means I interested to see them groom. If I dont like the band, i will never give comments. Most bands or composers sending me demos and I giving them comments for free! I'm trying to help those bands cos' I know they lack of QC or a producer for their demos, but mostly just ignore my comments.

I have a vision that indies music will be on par with the major labels in future in Asia. Indies are popular in the west but I heard of none in Asia. Let it slowly catch up with the pace, I remembered once that RnB was so popular in the west ( now also thou!) and Asian cant accept it, hey just take a look at it now!

Indies are already in the winning end for what I can vision. Help yourself now and be prepared, or be the pioneer of indies. In terms of price for a concert, indies win! this is the most attractive part isn't it! So you only need to brush up on your quality and strength!

To be in the industry, you must be playing songs that most people will listen. that will make most labels taping on you. I've heard a local band called " chou pi jiang", I think they are awesome and after listening to their songs, they are really awesome! awesome in terms of lyrics, awesome in terms of quality, awesome in terms of standard.

Talking about standard, most bands just don't seems to be a band. everyone just wanna try to outshine one another. Hey a band will only call a band when they played the songs together manz. Most bands didn't know that their drummer pull the whole lot down to the bottom! the drummer don't play in beat with the bassist and from far, you can see the drummer is trying hard to catch up with the band.

Try wearing something nice next time for gigs and not those strange looking hat or caps and most of them trying to look as if they are superstars with fans screaming at them. No, be humble, you will find that everyone will look at you differently. long tis thread has been inactive..hehe...lately i've notice more n more of our local band is blooming..guess it is a good signal tht we r moving on a positive note...hope it 'll continue n stamp Singapore Music to the World... :wink:
My suggestion to all of you guys:
1) Get off your asses, quit the whinging about obstacles
2) What you need are solutions to overcoming these obstacles
3) What is the aim of breaking into the local market? To sell records/Cds? or for the love of the game?!
4) I live in Ozz...there is no way in hell u can conquer Ozz..The market is self-sustainable.....think about it...
5) If you cant even convince the Singapore public that u have something to offer? why bother to look overseas?
Ozz has a population 5 to 6 times singapore's (including Bangla workers:D ), what makes u think they would want anything to do with our recordings or EPs? Cds from their locals are hot sells coz Oztralians are patriotic, period.

My Suggested solutions:
1) Get off ur high horses, someone get together and start ur own radio broadcast network, broadcasting nothing but local music...If u go on about money..I'll smack u...It's all about conviction...if u want it bad enuff..u will get it somehow....!
2) Play free live shows....ANywhere ANYTIME!! Eg: bring ur amps and guitars and simple drumkit(modified...snare bass hihat ) around ;Start a gig at hdb guerilla musicians... It's all about conviction!!
3) Pester the broadcasting stations(main oneslike power98.0fm, perfect 10) to give you guys a slot on the air..liek a five minute slot even would be enuff!! Gotta start somewhere.. Do live shows at ur old sec schools/ JCs..etc
4) National identity isn't tricky..we are singapore..we model after other biggest states..mainly our big trade companies...What we can do is.... do it like mudrockers! That for a start is an identity....! Chinese influences? I cant think of nothing...We mirror others becoz we aren't digging deep enough.... we sing with a pseudo-accent becoz we dont have enough dun start about that! WE whinge blah blah.... Everyone does it sounds conventional....anybody wanna sing like tina arena? Cam baines from bodyjar anyone? These are icons in their respective genres but are all locally sustained(Oz local)...big in Oz...HugE in facT! but relatively unknown outta Aust.
5) Get reknown companies to endorse us!eg: Music Plaza,swee lee, etc to endorse us or Boons even!...Give promos....Beg for slots at festivals....! Go beyond juz waiting for major ones to come asian beat, etc
6) Widespread Marketing; publicize the more reknown bands....ronin, Pug Jelly, etc...then give small supporting slots to upcoming bands....actively do that...we draw the crowds in for more support and publicity....
7) Go to all corners of the island to promote yourself....see how they tour in The US and Oz.....similarly do that....'s a 1 or 2 days tour...might sound ridiculous is viable if u want it to be.....Jurong live band act....the new Kovan bus berth activity area....AMK central....Bukit Timah, Holland Village(the idea is like...crash the area like alien ant farm in These days MTV)....
8) Dun be a jackass....have some 'work ethics'.....Mucking around only puts people off.... Acting like a bunch of friggin goons is at the expense of other since u have a brain use it...(this is for the punk-band-wannabes....u love ur fucking fun...) (P.S: I hate ur fun)
9) Link as many sites up as possible...this might sound obvious but...people dun make an effort to!eg: Link urself up to ..... soundbuzz.... orUr 'potential Radio broadcasting station'....
10) Quit whinging and do something..dun be a little baby u turd! Forget about breaking into Aust....start with siingapore...Then think the next step!

These are my long suggestions as to how to .... more than juz market our bands.... they are also to raise awareness... to the budding local scene... getting endorsements helps ur wallet at the same time....!
My two cents worth! I think we can make it....If we want to...It sorts out the determined musicians from the poseurs/players/wanabes/lazy fucktards....
Good advise!!! any ideas how those Ossiess band promote their album or song other than wat has mention by u earlier on...? Any tips? :wink:
They promote majorly through the radios...and their own MTV CHANNELS! ..Rage....plays everyfriday, sat and sunday..... They play all kind of music ...from metal to tributes to metallica...wad we need to breed is a culture of national patriotism....we lack and confidence!
Then they extensively use concerts to promote up and coming bands..nevermind if the numbers showing up is like 2 or thre...i once went for the gravity games concert that featured 3 up-and-coming bands...but there was not a single person in the crowd...only few people walking in and out....that's all..GUess wad...they played on and horsed around...i was probably one of the very very very few that stayed around to see out the show.... That's respect..! They were called the nordeens.... Recordings here are done by supports and charity...Oz has our own mainly music and entertainment news[paper..(it's good...very good publicity)...It delivers to 6000 locations all over the state....and...Everyone reads it..(i mean everyone..i pick mine up weekly...) It's called X-press magazine...It's extremely professional...with..not the miserable single Cd reviews..but loads of reviews..and upcoming gigs posted....and...Equipment and Artist wanted posting a classified ads....and All over the magazine/newspaper are promos of Eps...and bands..i's the holy grail if sngapore can do that...
Then they tour alot to promote their albums....months and months of tours... and they promote thru local channels...they even have slots for local music hours
Yup!! Singapore is a small market also a very small country. Consider it's geography and population.... Come on!!! This is common sense....
I will revert the question:
You would end up with a different problem, there would be answers like it's a tough competition, can they soak in better than their competition in their country etc etc etc..
I think everytime we have some music or an act in our hands, the whole ball games shifts, there is no one perfect scenario that eases our stress as you have it.
You get a bigger act and if you'll looking to market that, you end up with needing a bigger capital and again, bigger acts got their own competition.
You get overseas acts and think their countries are better, you will see a jungle of competition there and again it's hard getting a head over the pie.
You get a local act and of cos you face the problem of small industry but also less competition.
Though overseas markets are easier to began, get gigs easier, get albums out easier etc etc, but remember, that ease is available to all acts there too, so in the end, who really gets the pie share???
Then you have the issue that people are more willing to spend on buying album full-price there, and people wanting cheap CDs here, which is the same issue that you can't get cheap CDs there, whether it's famous artiste or what, there is little piracy there.
I think no one should deny the facts that Singaporean audience are looking for free CDs (since they go to Chinatown can buy so cheap, why wouldn't they think that!), and our local audience is also nostalgia and critic, which is exactly our local style of behaviour. And also the fact that locals look up to those who succeed overseas more, we lag the identity!!!!
No one should deny these facts, these are the SOCIETY PROBLEMS!!!! And guess what, every country got their SOCIETY PROBLEMS!!!!

I suggest to everyone, don't just market locally, you can never see the difference. We are conservative and restrictive, it's our tradition to be that. We are collective, we retain business only in trust. We are not expressive by nature, and look to impressions more importantly, like what we say "always must save face!". But let me tell you one thing, ALL THAT IS NOT WORKABLE IN PROMOTION!!! . When we want to promote ourself, we have to grab every opportunity, we have to experiment, we have to express and be thick skin, it's much of sales, getting every publicity, trying out every territory. We have to be aggressive, we must not be trying to save face. We must not be old fashion, it's about gaining extra ground, not tradition. If anyone can look over these, they can be good marketeers.
basically ..i agree with the quit whining and do something idea.
my view is if u cannot make it on a small stage like singapore..
quit whining abt overseas bigger better market...come up with a solution instead