Manchester United 2009-2010 Season Thread

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Nani's red card can be debated. Yes he may have won the ball, but he flew in with both studs showing. He won the ball, so maybe it can be a yellow card. However, i think after last week's game between liverpool n everton, they r pressured to be more tough on these tackles. BUT, the ref shld be more consistent n have carded villa for their tackles too, esp in the 2nd half.

Brad Freidel is an excellent keeper, n i have always rated him best 3 in epl, given he does not have a strong defence in front of him. N he always plays SUPERB agst us.

Ferdinand shlnt be captain for england. He makes stupid mistakes, he can switch off in moments. Also, when he makes mistakes in a game, he cant recover from it n is easily affected. U've got gerrard rooney, n even barry who has been a captain for many yrs n is consistent performer n calm
nah gerrard cannot. though he can sure cross nice balls but i reckon he has enough exp to captain england's eleven. rooney? lol now, he prefers to use his lungs instead of executing punches. well you can often see him shouting in the face at nani yesterday, ronaldo in the past and some of his midfielders now.
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Gerrard has been a excellent leader in liverpool, there is no denying it. So many times over the last 3 yrs, he has to step up his game n lift the whole team up in the last 20 mins of the game. More than that, his team mates' game are also lifted because he influences them on the pitch. If he is inexperienced, then i guess Capello wldnt have placed him 3rd in line initially, reason he is 3rd is cuz Capello prefers centre back captains.

Rooney, may be inexperienced n young as captain. BUT, even the very best in the team look to him as their man who will win them the world cup. Gerrard has said it many times, n even lampard said that rooney is the best player he has played with. When they get the ball, the on man they always look for is Rooney cuz they look up to him. He may not be the best behaved player, but he has got the respect of his team mates. on the other hand, he may bring back some of the british bulldog spirit, i mean its england rite??? If we want well behaved then go with downing or walcot then.

In the first place, terry is a damn smelly and dirty player. He is arrogant as well, but u cant deny the fact that he captains well n has v strong mental.
nani's red was harsh ... IMHO

now Giggs out wt a broken arm too ..

mite be a difficult period for the devils
Pleased that the gap is down to one point.Nani was unlucky.Claims of Nani being more selfish than Ronaldo cant be supported.Nani is a good team player just that he doesnt know how to get himself out of a situation unlike Ronaldo.

Plus Ronaldo gets more red cards than Nani.Lastest was the one against Zaragoza if Im not mistaken.

Giggs presence will be missed.Hopefully Rooney's bomb hasnt defused yet.Time for youngsters like Tosic and Obertan to step up like Nani and prove their worth.
i think that both ronaldo n nani r equally selfish. Just that, ronnie was gd enuff to be n deliver the gds, whereas nani was not gd enuff. N often times, u can see berba n rooney being so pissed with nani for throwing away a gd counter attack break, cuz he just wants to show boat. Ronnie is more direct, n he scores when he is selfish, so no one can pt a finger on him lol.

tosic is gd leh, but maybe light weight. Im looking forward really to possebon, so far i really like wat i see.
Remember that not many Brazilians do well.So there's chance of seeing Gibson playing more that Possebon.
, u can see berba n rooney being so pissed with nani for throwing away a gd counter attack break, cuz he just wants to show boat. Ronnie is more direct, n he scores when he is selfish, so no one can pt a finger on him lol.


Thats the reason I especially didnt like Nani when he showboated against AFC 2 seasons back and Gallas makan his legs. Its a pity coz he truly could be one of the greats if he was on the right track .. like how Ronaldo evolved into such a world class player
Sorry if I am slow to know the answer to this question, but is Starhub no longer showing Champions League games? There is an AC Milan V Manu game going on right now, Ronaldinho apparently scored and I cannot for the f-ing life of me find a channel that's showing it.

There is Stoke v Man City BPL on Football Channel, and on 115, where the Starhub website 'claims' to show our favourite BPL teams in action in the UEFA Champions leage, they are showing the Fcking Bundesliga - 2 german teams slugging it out. What the bloody hell is going on?? Customer service never answer, was kept on hold for about half an hour.

This is why Singapore is so fcked up.
Just did a more in-depth google search; Starhub isn't showing Champions League any more so yes, I was slow to this information or maybe I forgot.

+1 reason to an existing million of why so many people eventually leave this competition-ravaged, money-minded, deluded 'first-world' country.

A country of animalistic and selfish dogs is more like what this is.
It was a game which cld go either way. Milan was lucky to get an early goal in that fashion, but then again utd had been v "heng" the last few games with OGs... lol

But utd was really fortunate not to be punished by milan in the first half, n that vds made a few impt gd saves. Man Utd dominated the 2nd half, but then it was their turn to be complacent like milan in the 1st. I would had said that 3-1 is a almost sure win in the 2nd leg, but 3-2 still has alot to fight for.

milan looked scary after they got their 2nd goal, its a reminder that these teams only need 1 goal to wake them up, so take nothing for granted.

Again, nani was ineffective and valencia showed what was lacking the moment he came on. Rooney showed that he has really matured in his game and temperament.

somehow, it seems that european refs dislike english teams... its v obvious that they r biased agst them
i actually watched the Everton-Man Utd match last night. i'm not anti-any clubs but the red devils deserve the defeat. good for them. last night's match was a classic uninspiring performance by the team. i somehow felt that Rooney was obliged not to score against his former team. the benefit of the doubt was of course, lethargy (the whole team looked too tired to play). euro exhaustion maybe...
United sucked yesterday.I was disappointing.They couldnt even put together a string of good passes.They lost the midfield battle.Wingers and Full backs were a yard behind the Evertonians.

Defence look really really shaky.Berbatov held up play too much.He just spoils the tempo.
my bassist who is a man udiehard was cheezed off when he found out that our rehersal time yesterday clasehed wit the eveton manu game ..

after we got the result .. he was glad he didnt watch it ..
everton is nv an easy team to play agst. I watched them once n their fans r really supportive, even when they are behind. So thats alot of encouragement for them actually.

I guess Man Utd threw away the lead they had, n if rooney had converted that goal, then things wld be v different. I dont think that tiredness is an excuse, i think they were more complacent then tired. Rooney had bad touches the whole day, n his lost the possession to the 3rd goal. evra was also terrible defending.

But take nothing away from everton, they r a gd team just needs to be more consistent. In fact they beat us without cahill.

Man utd can beat AC but lose to everton, tell me that BPL is not the best league in the world.
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