Just drop by the OM section.. Look at how SOFTies comment on OMs.
"Awesome man!"
"Great playing!"
"*insert name* power la!"
Who actually critiques?
You can post substandard playing and you STILL get the same comments?
Most ppl are either:
a) Don't care, don't put in effort
b) Play safe, don't "provoke"
c) Really really thought it was so
And this reflects on how madmonkeykunfu's motto will fare in an environment like SOFT, which can reflect the Singapore attitude to music overall.
Granted, SOFT has a larger base of newbies and younger people, hence we can't base Singapore's stand but... you look at what the newbies post. Look at kind of playing gets the praises.
Again, you can post substandard playing and you STILL get the same awesome comments?
I totally agree that when it comes to music, once you understand what the musician is trying to achieve, one must be hard on citing improvements or critisim or compliments.
Like what David54 said, you risk the repercussions from an unsympathetic public. You sell a band, their substandard music is AWESOME, POWER LA, GREAT!, only for them to go out and get crushed by the public in terms of sales and concert attendance.
However. Some people can't take critique at all. To that, I say, too bad. Really.
If you as the musician, whose goal in life is to improve and play the best music you can make, then you must have an open ear, to a certan extent, no compromise on your style (unless your style is.. well, lacking).
In a nutshell, if we adhere to Madmonkeykunfu's motto, we will prune a lot of poor-substandard music off and the good/deserving music will be able to breath better and get more exposure. But, we risk stifling out new, raw talents who will be afraid to stand up despite their potential, and we lose them for good. Its a give and take, see how see who thing.
In anycase, I see madmonkeykungfu as a rebel force in SOFT. His supporters use sarcasm and strong criticism on the way SOFT is run, rather than voicing it in a proper manner. Intolerant and impatient they are...