Looking for a good Mixer and Mastering engineer


New member
Im Looking for the above professional to help mix and master my album of 7 songs. Does anyone have any good recommendations for such people in Singapore?

Any info on their pricing would be great too, as Im also on a budget, so no ultra high-end producers please :)

Your music is very nice. I am sure there will be some good people contacting you soon.
@ Radius_Vector

Great music! Would be awesome to hear that mixed and mastered.

I suggest you go either Focal Pro Audio Solutions or Sound Advice. They are Pros.



However, everything will always depend on your budget.

more budget, more time, more mixing, more critical listening, more reassessment = professionally mixed/mastered album

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do your homework, ask for samples, take your favourite idol references bands cds to their studio, play it on their speakers compare their similar genre samples. and make sure they don't "adjust levels/gain" on their weak recordings to "con" you.. heh.
Thanks for the replies all. Much appreciated

blueprintstudios - most of these guys have their rates displayed for 'recording'.. I have already tracked and just need to mix and master
Radius_Vector : yes indeed, if they do recording most likely they do mixing as well, thats where i meant you approach each of them one by one and let your ears be your best judge. apart from the engineers here@Soft whose schedules are not packed from the new year who would be PMing you their rates and promotions. unless your decision is based on engineer's sales pitch or "popularity" voted, you're at the right forum to ask. all the best and gd luck!
Thanks all for the suggestions and the love! :D

blueprint, I get what you mean. I definitely am not bothered by a sales pitch hehe, a portfolio is all I look for.

Speaking of which, I think I have almost finalized my engineer :) :)
Hey man,

Can I give it a shot? You can check out some of my stuff at my soundclick, link is in my sig.

Appreciate all your help guys.

Well, after considering 2 factors - budget mainly - I have decided to do the mixes myself.

The other factor that made me make this decision is that since I tracked all the stuff myself, I would be in a better position to judge the mix. Lot of the mixing engineers nowadays work best when they do the tracking as well - a lot of personal taste comes into the picture - another reason why Id rather mix it myself :)

I will definitely outsource mastering to a competent engineer, and I am looking out for one!
You made the right choice. Your tracking is pretty much above the standard. If the source is good, the mixing process will be made much smoother. However, don't look for a mastering engineer here.