Looking for a good Mixer and Mastering engineer

Or you could also upload your multitracks sample and let those interested have a go at it. Just ensure that the tracks starts at the same timeline for compatibility sake. Plus infos like bitrate and tempo.
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Just a thought, We at Sound Advice just built a Mastering Suite.
Our Mastering Engineer is Laz Harris from Seattle, U.S.A.
Very experienced, just finished mastering a few foreign and local acts.
We have not really officially launched our mastering suite yet, but we have started work.
If interested, please give me call and ill set up an appointment with Laz for you.
Its a really nice and cosy mastering suite.

Kamal Mahtani
Sound Advice Recording Studio
Studio - 63444589
Oops, sorry I didnt realize there were new replies in here!

Kamal, thanks for the heads up, I will definitely call you sometime.

funkdarock - all my rhythm tracks were amp-simulated using line6 stuff.. the leads however were recorded using my amp and a Shure SM57 - certain elements of your tone like note decay and volume roll-off are not really well simulated with those software plugins... Rhythm tracks are however, very real sounding!

man i need a mixing and mastering guy too
I am getting quite sick of tweaking here and there and everywhere and getting nowhere.

and i have 12 tracks. and i'm getting SICK of doing it.

Do tell me which one you decide to use. Its frustrating to have complete tracks that are just sitting/lazing around because of the hassle of mixing/mastering.
Allright guys, I am working on the stuff myself. Its sounding quite good so far, contrary to my expectations!

6 out of 8 songs are done. Do keep a look out for release day! ;)

absynthe - what do you use to track? If youre tracking is good, I could help you mix a couple songs (free of course :D) Email me and well work something out.
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