Local scene: Lacking music quality or support?


New member
What do you think? Do our home grown musicians lack the talent to create good music or is it the attitude of singaporeans to oversee local talent?
From wat i see here, Singaporeans make great music, regardless of genre. It's the support that's lacking.

Like a gig my band played last sat, 17th Jan @ Music Garage, the crowd numbers were overwhelming, more than i expected, but everyone was seated. They're there physically, but they're not showing it.

Overall, i do think we musicians dun get the support we deserve. Lack of support is killing the music scene.
both apply, and it's a cyclic situation.

Talented people desire support, and when they don't have enough of it, they find it elsewhere.

Audiences support talent, and when they don't see enough of it locally, they find it elsewhere too.

Potential talents look at the lack of support and think that pursuing music would be a waste of their time.

Potential support look at the lack of talent and think that supporting local would be a waste of their time.
i think the lack of support is killing our talent. why do i say this?

well i'm sure we all agree that SINGAPOREANS ARE VERY TALENTED. however, most of our talent is not recognized.

This is because we are living in a materialistic society, where everyone is trying to outdo and out-earn everyone else. face it. in our current day and age, money talks.

beacuse of that, everyone has a very practical mindset and jobs such as musicians are being deemed as "no-future" jobs because of it's unsteady income. this mindset has been instilled to us since we were kids whenever you parents say stuff like "most do well in psle, go to good school, become doctor/lawyer..."
if our very own parents cannot support us, who will?

also i believe, that those words spoken by our very own parents, has deterred us in someone or another in our road to becoming a musician either consciously or subconsciously.

i think if we want others to believe in us and support us, we first must believe in ourselves.
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Neither of them

Believe it or not but in my opinion, there is no lack of both of them in singapore. Competition is tough in singapore. Forming bands are getting common now. But some bands make it much higher as they have the key factor and due to the the hardwork they put in. In the last gig that took place in music garage on 17th Jan, i have to say all the bands did well. The crowd support is good. Well what we people could do is just help support bands and the local music scene by attending gigs, help bring up the talented bands and encourage the uprising bands. We seriously have a lot of hidden potential.

Ganesh, Lights Out Inc.
This is what I call a deja vu thread.

I see the same answers all over again.

I think best to carry on what we are doing and just wait and see the outcome, yeah?

i beg to differ. they may have a successful gig at music garage and they may be good and the crowd support may be good as well. but i believe bands wish to achieve MORE than just having a successful gig at music garage. like you said it needs more support so that bands can truly unlock their hidden potential.

just what i feel
our market is very "cheena" because we live in an asian society. on top of that, the "cheena" market churns out "idols-to-be" whereby their physical image over powers what little of their voical skills that they posses...

music nowadays aint the same as it was in the olden days. people dont enjoy music simply as "music" itself... i dont know how many of u might agree with me on that, but it is what i feel.

yes, we do have alot of talented musicians in singapore. but my question is rather; are they talented enough to be compared with a benchmark? (say western music?)

oh one more thing.
it is just not in our blood to naturally enjoy The Arts in sg. yes, we may appreciate once in awhile, but unlike the ang mohs we are not very expressive and keen on emoting ourselves thru art (or music)

only a small percentage of the whole population can truly say they love The Arts.

maybe more people will open up to it as the years go by and more Art projects are being taken on by our community, we'll see :D

peace! :mrgreen:
Honestly i too think that the local scene does not lack of talent and support. And due to rising numbers of bands and their supporters, this is a sign that both the talents and support are growing steadily.

However whats really lacking in s'pore local scene is originality. There are not loads of bands where they sound unlike any other band. In my opinion band like Force Vomit and B-quartet are very original in sense that in S'pore there arent many bands which sound like them. And even if there is bands with originality the crowd tend to turn their heads away and claim what these bands are doing is to be considered nonsensical.

Maybe if bands in S'pore were to think outside of the box in terms of playing style or music structure and if the crowds were to open up to "uncharted territories" of the music world. Maybe just maybe the scene would be noticeable and better.

correct me if im wrong, i am actually quite new to the music scene in singapore so from what i've seen and heard, this is how i feel on s'pore music and the crowd.

I hope i didnt offend anybody.:)
The local scene is lacking support and lacking music quality and proficiency.

most importantly . so many bands here lack the balls / drive and determination + the willingness to put in the hard work and hours that are needed to build a good base.

also , the music proficiency level is seriously lacking generally, bands are usually pulled down badly by one or 2 slack members.

in case anyone is wondering how i came to the above conclusions : i've spent 5 years in the australian music scene as a musician and recording producer and event organiser as well as my last 2 years in singapore doing almost the same thing. So by comparing the 2 scenes (esp since the australian local music scene is pretty big ) it's easy to see what 's lacking in singapore


bands trying to sound different = bands with alot of effects or some times too much. its getting common. wheres the rock n roll?

I appreciate a lil bit of shoegazing here and there, not all the time. theres too much of the same thing.
Singapore is Chinese dominated, which is why there is a lot of support for singers and bands belonging to the mando-pop scene. This shadows everything else, including our multi-racial one. By multi-racial, I mean bands and singers who sing in English or Malay. This is why our powerful indie rock scene does not seem to be getting anywhere far. It is simply underrated and overshadowed. Things are looking up, though. We're definitely good enough, and I've heard of Electrico albums in the United States. Things are happening. :cool:
singapore english is shit. because people are not educated. what kind of education can you get without english???

but thats not the problem. the problem is that singaporeans dont know how to go out and relax. nobody goes out to chill and booze, especially on weeknights. once the chilling and boozing takes place, there will be audiences for bands. maybe they will be too drunk to notice how bad the bands are. but thats a good thing.

booze in singapore is expensive. entertainment license and taxes as well, probably
Roland Lim: The local scene is lacking support and lacking music quality and proficiency.
most importantly . so many bands here lack the balls / drive and determination + the willingness to put in the hard work and hours that are needed to build a good base.


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The bigger scenes are concentrating too much on just one genre.When I was in Esplanade, i was expecting some rock n roll(something like what fgl plays with feel and passion) but i ended up listening to music that had no conviction like as if they played for the sake of playing.

Maybe that is what the scene is lacking from both the bands and support,commitment and passion to surge forward and break barriers.
I disagree with the racial thing man....check out Indonesia and Malaysia market growing so well although they only using bahasa. Like us, most of the bands in singapore play english songs and we all understand english right?tho we speak mandarin, malay and tamil.

I think the problem is Singapore is just too small! that's why we can't get a lot of supports. Since the numbers of albums sold, gigs, etc can't cover all the production, advertising, etc cost.
Local music scene will never be great unless Singapore changes it's mindset. Who in the right frame of mind will choose to become a musician over getting his/her degree? The only successful musicians (earning enough money) are those that are active in the pubbing/clubbing scene which means they are Top 50 cover bands.

The bottom line is, not many people in Singapore can afford to put in time and money into such a career knowing that there isn't light at the end of the tunnel. It's hard to be a full time musician making your own music as there isn't an avenue that advertises or pays.

Singapore music scene has always been there but even those talented bands/musicians with quality don't really get the recognition. Reason being because Singaporeans don't really support Singaporeans. Take Sun Yan Zi for example, she only made it really big because of the foreign market. No way would she have been able to make it if it was just in Singapore.

So the only way to succeed (a career in music) in Asia is to go Chinese or even Malay. Sad but true.
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I have to agree that in Singapore, the best way to make yourself musically famous is being a mandro-pop star. Seriously, the typical Singaporean would know names like JJ Lin, Jay Chou, BY2, and a lot of other names. and they've become HOUSEHOLD names.

Argubly the best band in Singapore is Electrico. While there's no mistake in saying they are really the best and the most famous, a lot of people don't even know who they are.


What I personally feel that this scene really needs more support. A lot of bands are finding themselves hard to get themselves known at all. There's only so many times you can play a gig, and MySpace can only can reach out to so many people - mainly those who are more tech-savvy, or who even BOTHER looking out for good bands on MySpace.

What I feel we need is more active support, and not just in the form of gigs. Hardly many bands out there get their songs published, either by EPs or full-length CDs. Not many labels are willing to take the risk to do so actually publish these bands, be it CD or EP.
There are a few good bands on MySpace and I think they really deserve a chance to get a shot. Shades Of Ember is one band I believe deserves a chance. Their (only) song on MySpace really made me wonder whether they professionally recorded this or they did it themselves, because it is FREAKINGLY GOOD, pretty much FLAWLESS. Definitely something worth listening to no matter who recorded it.
That is, I'm assuming that they did it independently like most other indie bands.
There are a few bands out there that could also deserve a chance. Deluge is another band that at least deserve a chance, although it has its flaws (like all self-recorded MP3s have) that really mars the song.

Hardly many MAJOR CD shops sell local albums, and even so it was quite pricey. The other day I walked into HMV at City Hall and spotted some local CDs, by Ronin, Electrico, A Vacant Affair, etc. I was quite delighted, at least until I saw the massive $28.50 CD price, FOR ONE CD.

We need more local support. Not just from people who make gigs work, but from Record Companies and Cd shops as well.

(Yes, Anti-thesis time. Blame me for doing GP. Eargh...)
A lot of bands out there really need to buck up a bit. I've heard some bands that completely sounded terrible (on stage, as I usually avoid MySpace. I find it a bit hard to use it, blame me for being lazy) and they don't bother to do anything about it. Some bands are happy with just playing covers only. They don't really take much time or effort to really put in work into originals. They're more contented in playing gigs (check the Musicians/Bands Avaliable/Wanted section. There are plenty of people who just wants to play gigs) then anything else.

Come on. Gigs won't get you anywhere if your original material is still going to stink and give aural diaherreoa.

Also, I feel that a lot of bands aren't really that passionate about it. Not many bands really believe in really trying to make themselves known as MUSICIANS.

Its a weird mentality in Singapore.
Well, fine. You have a point in saying that "Music won't get you a stable income, job security and all the other perks that a job working for the govenrment or the private sector..." That's perfectly fine in my opinion. I aspire to finish my studies and teach in a Secondary School or JC, doing English, GP, and perhaps Literature. That WILL give me a stable job and all those blah blah I mentioned.
But what I'm trying to say is that, if you really want to do music, you got to put in effort. If you are doing this for fun and all, by all means. Enjoy your fun.
What really riles me is that I hear from a lot of people that people aren't giving them attention. Like as if you put your heart and soul into it but not getting the attention that you deserve.
Well, if you're good, then there ARE people listening to you guys.
And generally Singapore fans are quite calm and level-headed. They won't jump and scream at the top of their voices like how girls scream for the Jonas Bros (The bane of all pop-rock. More on that some other time...). So don't be so disheartened, but continue to push on. I'll be rooting for all of you who prove their worth :D
But if you stink, you really stink. Just accept your just desserts
I actually heard this band members complain to each other this, so I'm not making this up.

I won't disclose details just in case anyone know this band and start flaming them

This particular band had finished a gig, and honestly, it sounded terrible. My friends and I happen to pass by that area. There was a band playing, and being curious, we stopped to listen.
Oh dear
Vocals, Drums - too overwhelming
Keyboards, Violin - Hardly heard at all, and trying to compete with the other instruments.
Guitars, Bass - Bass was fine. Guitars sounded messy, as if not in sync with each other.

Later after that, my friends and I went for dinner. As we were sitting idly waiting for the bill and chit chatting, I happen to overhear some people talking in raised voices.
Turned around, lo and behold, the band that just played.
I overheard them saying that no one wanted to give them attention and they felt quite disgusted about it, as they had put their heart and soul into it.

Ouch. Like, hello? Did you notice that your whole acoustics were terrible?

On a much lighter note,
I have to say that a lot of bands just need to advertise themselves more. Playing Gigs and publishing on MySpace won't exactly bring your dreams that far. SOFT (I apologize, James. PM me if you think I need to correct this, but I feel that I have to say this) can only bring you this far. Bands need to bring themselves out to the masses. To the non-SOFTies.
It's not that we as SOFTies won't support you. We WILL support you cause we truly BELIEVE that local music SHOULD be supported.
But to really bring your dreams (presuming you're really going to make your dream a reality, so jia you!) to any fruitation, you got to really reach out to those who insist on listening to ONLY the mainstream (if not bands like Paramore would have just been stuck in the indie zone) stuff.
Its a dog eat dog world out there. Sometimes you just have to be a bit aggressive

Anyway, for those lazy to read what I've written, in short,

We need more support, and more quality.
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