Local scene: Lacking music quality or support?

the scene prolly can do without someone who fit in perfectly fine for a pub cover band but bring no progression, musically for a tiny place we have here

I doubt anyone can sing like Robert Plant, the closest i ever heard is David Coverdale in whitesnake's "still of the night".

hahahhahh of course not! not even robert plant today can sing like robert plant during his prime. actually the closest i've seen is that dude on youtube that looks like daughtry! now that is scary.

yeah but whitesnakes 1987 album.. damn he really trying hard to immitate plant.

anyway i was just exaggerating abt finding a singer like robert plant. i know its impossible. so i shall just keep on dreaming. :mrgreen:
The number of downloads which I have for the Singapore Si Bei Rock n Roll: The Best of Singapore Underground Rock'n'Roll Vol 1 and 2 are 220 and 66 respectively. A rough estimation... Thanks to the kind peeps who passed me the tracks!

Shows you the level of interest which most people (and the so-called musicians) are in their own music heritage. Already, my generation of musicians/ underground rockers were not keen on bands like The Quests, Naomi and The Boys, The Straydogs, etc. This younger generation of rockers will definitely not be keen in acts like The Padres, Global Chaos, Zircon Lounge, etc.

Why talk about a future for a scene which doesn't care for its history eh?
thats just lovelovelovelovelovelovelove disgraceful considering it was bloody free for all and u get a chance to appreciate some decent music history heritage Spore has. And u get all these wankas debating endlessly abt quality this support that........... just download the thing then shut up and listen.

or its likely many of the ppl here much prefer watchin on youtube some clown in his room jackin off like lord knows which other pointless guitar / drum twat.......they must harbour a deep desire to be a circus acrobat........
i wonder where is the thread starter

dont worry path im still here, been reading everyone's views on the subject. now im no pro on the issue but i remember a few years ago when I first started attending gigs to support bands. the feeling was great, the bands were awesome, i was new and had no idea what their names were but i still enjoyed their music. the crowd was also very supportive. personally i think that its the attitude that some of us have to only want to support bands that they know(most likely friends). Maybe we are too judging whenever we see a new band on stage. My favourite gigs to attend are usually our local metal gigs as the crowds and bands are very interactive with each other, the audience are more accepting of the bands despite of how new they are.

By the end of the gig everyone's happy.but of course bands have to make it a point to improve on their weakneses, both as musicians and entertainers. Lets not forget that we do have local bands that have actually made a name for themselves, maybe not as popular as those western superstars, but popular enough for us to talk about with each other and want to watch at a gig.
I think the scene today is pretty healthy. Ive only started getting interested in the local music scene 3 years ago after watching Baybeats 06 so i cant say much about how it was way back then. But now, you can easily get Plainsunset, AVA, Vertical Rush albums at HMV and other popular music stores. I for one got PS album at CD-Rama at Causeway Point. These albums are even up there in the top ten charts in the stores and surely that says something.

GSE, Electrico have gone to Texas to represent Singapore for the SXSW Festival. I Am David Sparkle and Amateur Takes Control's music are featured on BBC online. These are all the bands that have worked really hard to get to where they are now. Other than that, i can name other bands like Trella, The Sallys, Silhoutte, Astroninja who have came out with EPs and albums recently. This scene is definitely buzzing because there is support.

If anyone should complain about the scene, maybe bands from 5 or 10 years ago. But support today is definitely there. I mean, if you are good, you are good. The support will be there. Don't complain that there is no support just because you haven't made it as a band yet. Alot of bands desire for support when in actual fact they are not that good enough yet to be in the industry.

Hope no one is offended. Just my opinion. (:
Local music is the best!
this guy singing rock my socks off


His eye expression truly capture the spirit of S-Rock (i think in this case it is more pop but you know what i am saying above all) and the body movement like he want to rock out but he know it is a pop song so he just jive to the song, clearly having fun and good feelings.

The articulation is clear like an apple from a fresh fruit tree. Crystal clear fruity sound.

And I like how he put his own intro at the start. Very original - lucky I saw Jason Mraz at Singfest also!!!

So Singapore, don't be afraid to show our talents to the full of its potential!
Go Jason Mraz, go Singapore for the treble!
Singing is in our blood and dance!

P.S. To Alex the singer, I saw your other videos also and I like the one that you sing at the old folks home for your community service. Job well done!
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What us local bands need is a gig space with a good sound system EG. properly mic-ed drums proper PA system and a good sound man.

That will make local bands sound 50 times better then getting some mushy sound at a gig.

IMO with decent sound ppl will automaticlly stand up and support the band. You cant enjoy a metal gig without atleast small stack amps :P
that is what i think this local scene lacks, proper sound at gigs, therefore bands cant reach their max potential.
For shame. AY, your logic is completely right. The numbers are proof. Indicative of a "me" generation without a thought for history or predecessors - only caring for current interests and trends. Nice, indeed.

The number of downloads which I have for the Singapore Si Bei Rock n Roll: The Best of Singapore Underground Rock'n'Roll Vol 1 and 2 are 220 and 66 respectively. A rough estimation... Thanks to the kind peeps who passed me the tracks!

Shows you the level of interest which most people (and the so-called musicians) are in their own music heritage. Already, my generation of musicians/ underground rockers were not keen on bands like The Quests, Naomi and The Boys, The Straydogs, etc. This younger generation of rockers will definitely not be keen in acts like The Padres, Global Chaos, Zircon Lounge, etc.

Why talk about a future for a scene which doesn't care for its history eh?
Hi there, don't mind me sharing something with you guys

here's what i felt the scene here in Singapore

on Tuesday,19 January 2009
okto live . Did anyone watch it??
the topic is " Mummy ,can i be a Musician"

here's the deal
i think we need people to buy Cd's if not Buy Singles from Itunes
and it dosen't really matter if bands got a deal nowadays

cause we'd a band called Astroninja . They are unsigned and yet
they sold 10,000 cds


the deal is
we have the agree the fact is "IT ALL BOILS DOWN TO 1 THING"


yes, in the past people says " i don't play for fame/money and so on"
but the fact is we need to start forgetting about that

im sorry I offend you guys but here's the fact
with the uprise of more P2P gigs
and people starting to thing that's good for the scene

so yeah ! good morning to you guys !!
thanks for reading !

[ just to add a note, i don't do gigs anymore. Im Working under SCREAMEVENTS]
sorry to double post but there's something i need to add on

[ fame and money part]

you see, you don't have to get sign with a major deal then you're consider

the world now is all about media
not only T.V

but also the Internet

it's kinda big joke if you're telling me you don't do this for fame or money
and you have a Facebook or Myspace and so on social networking

see? understand??
even if you don't apear on the net
gigs nowadays are people with the same face coming back for gigs

and what's the best thing?

they remember you

maybe you're fame Meaning [ you walk on the streets, people wants your signature or interviews you or your band] but nar.. sorry sorry

it don't work that way

because of the net - you guys enjoy music like

Escape the fate
Bless the fall

i'll be glad and happy to see that people agree and don't agree
all industry work the same way.... demand and supply... too much demand no supply push the prices up like diamond, petrol..etc
too much supply no demand would be like the local music industry now. too much bands and music, no listeners.... no doubt singapore is full of talents, but one have to be special to stand out of the crowds to get himself notice. self marketing and creating awareness is what u need.
to market oneself, is not just talent.... you need alot of times, effort, money to do that.
imagine metallica or gun & roses not marketed.... they would just be a small bands playing in pub.
so people, don't blame the audiences.... if you want to blame... blame yourself for not doing enough. ;)
Simply,there is no good people know how to manage and market our talent. There are people there, but are let down ones.
For shame. AY, your logic is completely right. The numbers are proof. Indicative of a "me" generation without a thought for history or predecessors - only caring for current interests and trends. Nice, indeed.

Sometimes, I've thought about it... In a way, rock'n'roll has always been about rebellion and mainly started off from teenage angst from a cultural point of view. So history is yesterday's news.

Most people wouldn't bother about yesterday's shitty bands which band members look like crap now. I mean, have you seen Pearl Jam's Mike McCready recently?! ZOMGWTFBBQ, he looks like an uncle going to the kopitiam eating nasi lemak! And that whiny baldie, Billy Corgan, adooi...

I'm looking forward to a decade down the road when I go visit my friends with their tween kids at CNY.

"Hey, boy-boy, how are all those bands you've been listening recently? Fall Out Boy, Paramore, My Chemical Romance, etc?"

Boy-boy: "Please, those are super over-the-hill acts can? Who cares about them? And uncle, can you stop sending me all those stuff from those old turds? Who the hell are Led Zep, The Beatles, Rudra and Electrico?"

actually i disagree

there are good people in town , but bands don't have the drive or dedication or commitment or they think they've done it all just cos they played baybeats to stick together so these good people don't dare to risk their time and effort and MONEY to promote and manage them .
like i say again... don't blame others.... :) music industry is still a business. if you want to get something, you pay for it. the companies wouldn't spend money on your bands/you. just because u're "talented". they need to see whether u're marketable. and ofcause they need their returns back with earning. nobody want to do a profitless business. :)
good money pull talent... bad money push talent.... :)
i think we should have less of P2P gigs and more free gigs. Singaporeans love free stuff.

And find those 'i dont play for money' bands.

i dont know lah!

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