
New member
ok hello mates. i got a problem here. from what i've heard, if i were to get my own sound,i needa line up my pedals like u know my way. BUt basically i dunno what to connect to which pedal and tehn connect where.. which one should be behind which one. that kinda stuff.. basically, i have gt-2 distortion,tube screamer,eq,digital delay,noise suppressor,compressor sustainer,wah pedal.. i'm a metal guy and likes clear solo also.. with heavy rhythm.. how do i line them up and not suck my tone..???? please help! thanksss!
hehe, you have written in the post that in order get your own sound, you need to line up the pedals in your way. That prolly scare people away coz if they suggest anything, you be having the pedals in the order of their preference and thus their sound.

first of all, tone suck! That one, no horse run, as long you use pedals, you will have tone suck(to which extent and whether can we hear it obviously or placebo effect, is another thing), even if true bypass pedals, boutique pedals or whatever over the top effect that is. No tone suck? Strum the electric without plugging to amp

Your list of pedals, seem fine thou, shud not have any tone loss unless you want it to.

as for the order, lets see. I cant tell you what is the exact order to put the pedals. But i can suggest the following, imho

you want the eq to shape your gt-2 and then the tub screamer as solo boost or that you wanna the gt2 first in chain with the tube screamer as boost and the eq as even more boost

With the delay, do you want to delay the distortion or you wanna distort the delay?

as for compressor, do you want to compress the dry guitar signal first then sent it to the rest of the effect, aka distortion/od and the rest or that you wanna your overall effected signal to be compressed and go to amp.

as for noise suppressor, wud you like to suppress the guitar noise or the overall pedal chain noise?

its not difficult, but at the same time, just some thinking and hands on changing, to listen the various combination will make it more clearer, what you want, how you want it to be, to get your own sound.

nice one bro pathein...

on a side note and in line with soft forum practices,

can you draw this out, print it and send it to me via registered mail with a silver spoon attached before I ask more questions?
for you only, my bro bro, i will draw, sealed with a kiss and personally sent it to you with me in box!

coz paddle pop is super duper yummy!
Please, google, search, experiment. Nothing like spoonfeeding to ruin the pleasure of learning, discovery.

You have so many pedals, surely you do know something already.

yo this is what the website is all about. I dunno things,i ask.. if you're fucking great, go shoot yourself. If you're a fucking guitar god,call me and lets duel. and with ur pathetic sentence,knock yourself out.what the fuck are u trying to imply? that you're one motherfucking perfect guitarist who knows everything? dude no one becomes a fucking shredder overnight. u dun wanan fucking help, piss off.. cunt
did you click on that "knock yourself out" its a link :wink:

When we say "knock yourself out" it means NOT literally but like 'having something in large amount that can make you faint !!

Btw which school huh ??
Try reading the Guitar Gear Sticky first. I've archived lots of stuff there.

Remember, some questions have no answers. No answers which others can offer you anyway. Experience is something you have to personally get to answer the questions.

For what you ask, there's seriously no fixed rule to connecting the pedals. There is a somewhat agreed standard, but that's assuming a lot about what pedals you specifically use.

As for tone suck, in general if you plug a pedal that sucks tone, it sucks tone no matter where you plug it - except if you bypass it.

Search the forums if you still can't find the answers. There's a ton of stuff there.


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