Lesson learned in inflexible musicshop


New member
today i went to a particular musicshop, wanting to buy a handmade ride cymbal...while I was choosing, the owner showed me a used super old cheapo one at $30.00..I tried it and feel that it's not too bad..So I decided to buy it since it's so cheap...but when i reached home and tried it out with the rest of my cymbals...it sounded kinda "off" from the rest..

so i call back the shop and ask whether can I change to the handmade one who cost about $300+....the answer is "NO"...claiming about value lost..and all the typical excuses...OMG, I am thinking...what is "value lost" for such a cheapo super old $30.00 cymbal...

It is actually not the money but rather the inflexibility of such shop still exist in Singapore....I have dealt with number of small music shop here and in general..most of them are quite flexible...I am indeed quite shocked...wanting to make it big.....like go to CASE or write to the press...after all that is a law that protect consumer in such cases...

But I am thinking, forget about it..only $30.00..so I just post here to share to softies such kind of shop still exist here in singapore...I will not name the shop.....just be
careful when making decision...don't be like me...:)
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i dont understand what you mean. if the shop has a no refund policy i dont see what you are bitching about. of course, the shop should be more flexible. they would probably earn more if they let you upgrade your item. im guessing they have their reasons and we're not hearing the full story here. so i dont get your point at all.

its not possible for every shop to have this sort of flexibility. if they had, i would try out every single guitar in sweelee, starting from the cheapest one and working my way up. buy hello kitty guitar, bring home and call shop to demand that they let me change it to a squier strat. repeat with fender highway one. repeat with fender american.
a business is a business and has its own policy and rules. And press also wont bother unless its $2600 PSP(if press dont want, i think stomp.com.sg will love such thing). Heh, case also wont take the case, since theres no mislead buy or forced tatic sale

Heh, this thread will either get locked or deleted soon
hehe....Actually I am not bitching..I m laughing at the shop for such inflexibility...$30.00 is a small amount of money...if they are flexible enough...probably they have one more loyal customer..hehe

you see...it is a long term thing.....i may not want to go there anymore.....
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Business policy & law can be bend & twist la....

we are humans la...not machines...

Anyway my intention of this thread is just to share about my mistake...not so much to condemn the shop or whatever...

if i have really started a bad thread... then i really apologise to all and don't mind it being locked or deleted...
yes you have a point. but it all boils down to the shop's policies. if the owner had earlier agreed that you could bring it home to test it out, that would be a different story. the shop may have lost a potential long term customer. okay we get it. ha ha stupid shop owner.

what i dont get is why this is worthy of a thread. warn people about what? reading the refund policies properly?
I have bought things from musicshop where owner are musician themselves..you see...so they understand the feeling of buying the wrong thing...for this case the owner is not a musician..so they totally don't understand the feeling of buying the wrong thing..

also of course if it is a brand new item....I will be paiseh to exchange too cause it will look used after I bring home to try.....but the thing is I have bought a used super old item....you see...

Anyway.....it's my mistake...trying to save la..then end up wasting $30.00..Hahahah
I guess the point of the thread is some Singaporeans are so myopic, that they can't see the value of exchanging a depreciated $30.00 cymbal for a customer which is willing to buy a $300 one.

Some people can't see the long term value in providing good customer service. Of course there is no law in Singapore thats defines what is good or bad customer service. So even if you take it up with the proper channel, nobody gonna sympathize with you.

But you as a consumer, you have influence among your peers so if you say this "so and so" shop is "such and such" your frens will sway towards your opinions.

The point of view of the shop, he can easily find buyers for a $300 of handmade cymbal, but not a used $30 cymbal which will probably fetch him only 1/3 of the price if he re-sells it, so he will be making a loss.

So yup, if the point you want to make about customer service here still sucks, its true. This kind of "dollars and cents comes first" type of thinking still rule. Its not wrong, shops need to survive. But its still myopic if you ask me, penny wise pound foolish.

The value of good customer service cannot be measured.
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Incidently, the owner is quite technically right, the value of the cymbal has gone down if it went through your hands, the tag has now probably increased from second hand to third hand....

a few more things probably happened, he sold you something that was just taking up inventory space and has no value....you fell for it...he's not taking it back....

you would be surprised at the number of "loyal" customers in singapore....ppl tend to shift loyalties very soon:P...so im not really surprised that shopowners dont give much credibility to that factor....

little u can do in such cases
The shop just waited for a sucker to download that piece of crap cymbal and you gladly took that role buddy. That 'policy' thing is just a lame excuse.
It just took $30 to screw that shops reputation ... and you don't really need to name the shop ...we know already.
Cereal is absolutely right....taking up inventory and has no value.....

however, to me not so much the value cause it's just 30 bucks though...a good businessman will know, sometimes gain, sometimes loss........not every day is Sunday...most important he must please his customer for repeated business & referral...

they don't sell by the needs of consumer but just at the expenses our mistake....which is rather a sad thing...but gladly not all shop are like that..

in fact, last night my band just had a music practice..i share to them about that...then they told me that old man is notorious for that, absolutely rigid.....my lesson learned..haha
You could try hammering out the cymbal to improve the sound. There are a few articles online about it.

or maybe...

widdly: hahaha..I am too lazy to do that....

Maybe i should return it back to the shop FOC and make them realise how "cheapskate" they are......losing their reputation for $30.00...HAHAHA.......
Buyer bought cuz he thought it was a good deal. Went back, played with it, sounded off. Decides on alternative - idea refused. Uses the word 'inflexiblity' towards the shop. I think the buyer should just "LIVE WITH the decisions he makes in his life".
Hmmm. Is the shop run by ONE person? Because if the shop ran on a strict no-refund policy, giving you the leeway for your $30 may cause other people to question how "firm" their policies/T&C's are. Furthermore, I believe whoever picked up was just a hired sales person, and was simply following instructions from the boss. So yeah. My 0.02, aiyah $30 walau eh -.-
instead of starting this thread, you should have started a thread in drums - buy/sell and listed the cymbal for $40

then the rage would have been passed on to someone else :mrgreen: