
I dunno... can't recall... but he has a double neck guitar, with the necks very close to each other, and he does his 2 handed thing with the most earth shaking, bowel bursting guitar faces!
Resident leftie reporting in! :P

I wouldn't really recommend flipping a righty guitar to play it the left-handed way unless you're Hendrix or Dick Dale. Personally, I've tried and it's not to my liking. I actually bought a righty strat and flipped it. Ended up couldn't reach my higher frets cos of the cutaway. And lots of extra setting up needs to be done if you really wanna get the sound right...intonation, nut...even the string tree's not doing what it's supposed to do, etc...and it's not very comfortable since the righty guitars' contours are not designed for lefties' usage, not forgetting the tremelo system...unless you wanna be SRV...So, I sold it off and got a lefty strat from ebay instead.

Although I often complain about the lack of lefty guitars, things are definitely getting better since alot of the major brands like Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Ibanez, etc do have lefty models. But availability is still pretty limited and it's hard to just walk into a shop locally and try lefty models. So, my solution is to order from overseas. A bit risky but at least they have the models there. If you're into Fender guitars, good news cos you can order from Ishibashi. Fast service, fast shipping and plenty of models to choose from. As for Gibsons...well...maybe ebay? Cos alot of websites don't ship overseas. The last time I ordered my Gibson Flying V from Guitartrader.com and they do ship overseas...but not sure whether they still do now.

The only major complain I have is the difficulty to find vintage lefty instruments...and they usually cost a bomb and most won't let go of them since it's ultra rare.

Since it's a lefty thread, I shall hijack this thread to encourage all the lefties to share what guitars you own :D (actually it's an evil scheme to see what stuff I can trade/buy from other lefties here *lol*)

I'll kickstart it:
-righty 90s Ibanez Artist
-lefty 95' American Standard Fender Strat
-lefty 03' Gibson Flying V (faded cherry)
-lefty 04' (I think) Japanese Fender Jaguar (sunburst)
-lefty 05' (I think) Japanese Fender Jaguar (vintage white)
ShredCow said:
There's this guy, can't rem his name, but he has incredible two handed guitar playing... and he has the world's worst guitar face. :lol:

donch bluff!!! which shredder does not know Michaelangelo!!!!! infidel!!! :twisted: :lol:
Glad to see there're so many left-handed players in Singapore.

Its always sad that most of the guitars are right-handed and only a small selection is available as left-handed versions. I've a few left handed guitars bought over several years:

MIJ Ibanez RG570 LH /w EMG85/SA/81

Cort G250 LH /w SD SSL/SSL/Alnico II Pro

and a modest Maestro LH Acoustic

Just another leftie guitarist
the guitarist of my former band writes with his left hand but he owns n plays two right handed electrics ( yamaha n ltd edition blue ibanez jem).. but his picking hand is uber fast!
I was born left-handed. Couldnt find a left handed guitar, so 'bo piean' gotta learn right hand.

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