Lead Guitarist that only wants the name

well if he were egoistic, he'd be talking much more about himself and how great he is and less about how the guitarist is behaving.
aiyah... dun fight la... wat r spoken are all true.

if u thinks tat he thinks tat u r better...
if u thinks tat he thinks tat if he bring u in, he will lose 'limelight',
then be happy la. isnt tat a 'up ur points' thing for u?

if not, then find other bands or make a new one
from my own personal experience..
to settle who plays lead is very simple
it is NOT the ability who is/has the better shredder/technicality/tone/feel..

it is the ability to use JEDI mind tricks to play leads without touching the guitar WINS !!!
and so far...I've been searching for that small green shredmaster Yoda to learn,breath and eat shred noodles..and I'm still searching
Fuzz: look no further, u must.....

if its me, if both guitarist want to be lead, both play solos then...
or dont join the band. simple as that. conflicts may turn big or
extinguish with time.

im lucky my bandmate is very cooperative though he is the band
leader. im the official lead guitarist n he plays rhythm, but i'd like some
vocal roles too. so sometimes we exchange roles. there's not much
formallity of who does what, though we have default positions.
aiyah let bass be the lead.

hehe take turns ah. one song doesnt always have to have 1 solo right? one member takes the first solo, the other one take the second. like school of rock like that.
At the end of the day, the stronger personality always gets the solo la. If one feels that one is better than the other, one has to have the courage to slug it out for the right to play lead. That is, if give and take is not an option.

Personally, i feel that bass should play lead. :D
to me its more about playing for the music. you can sweep like herman li and shred like a mother but if what you play dosent really fit the band, then i guess you'r out. there are of course exceptions to the rule but to me its always playing for the music that comes first.

oh and a lead player would be nothing without the ryhthm supporting him. And i enjoy playing rhythm as much as lead. crafting brilliant rhythm parts gets more gigs than being able to just play lead. IMHO.

anyways, if i were you, i'll let him play lead first and maybe try to play lead only later on(after a few jams) if you really wanna join their band, you gotta give them the respect, being which they've been in the band longer and they call the shots. Once you've proved to them you are a team player maybe they'll let you take more solos eventually. Its not just about technical proficiency but also social ones.
There are riffers, there are soloers, there are jokers. A guitarist who's not necessarily an amazing lead player, but has a very good sense of melody, will beat the crap out of the most technical guitarist that has an average sense of melody - at least when it comes to _making_ music.

A guitarist who's not necessarily an amazing guitarist, but has a clean and articulate rhythm ability, will do the job better than a lead guitarist who understands riffing as simply an inferior task of "just strumming". As a matter of fact, any guitarist who differenciates lead and rhythm as superior and inferior, will have a hard time getting recognised for being a master of his trade - and escaping from my jaws.
My band works this way, I'm someone who's really into shredding shit, my rhythm dude really into heavy chunky riffing. So we're kinda happy with our positions.
haha, im really not used to all this.

technically im better than my other guitarist.
but on terms of 'feel' my other guitaris is better.
so i basically i handed over the job of soloing all to him.
too me, soloing is about the feel and not how fast or how technical the solo is. The audience needs to 'feel' the solo.

plus im just plain lazy. i pushed all the hard part to him.
so here i am a rythmist.(is there even such a word?)

plus it was never about the fame to us.
its about doing what we love best. making love! umm i meant to say music!

shame on you if your playing music just because its the in thing now and the fame.

go ahead shoot me.
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There's no such thing as lead guitar. There is only guitarist role in the band. Whoever can do a good solo will do,this is such a small issue.
I prefer both guitarist to be lead guitarist.
so can harmonize and create nice solos.
bonus points = both can get the name :)
i like ur thinking rockito .. although i've nv been into tt kind of situation b4, i can imagine it. although my imagination sux,i can tell it's bitter. well u see man, there are many kind of ppl in this world, fat,small,ugly,hot,hairy..etc .the ppl we're talking about here are egoist. They just want to be the best and do not want others to be better than em and wants to be in the spotlight. for those who are like that, it's better to have someone BETTER than u playin beside u so u can learn frm him/her/alien ..it would eventually make u a better player and if u wanna be better than him/her/alien,work extremely hard so that everyone would noe u're better than him indeed. It somehow makes u feel really gd too and gives u the boost to be more gooood. Just don't show off that u can play real well eg. like after a performance(not urs,u were part of the audience) u go up on stage asking the guy whether u can test out his guitar(this sounds stupid i know but i'm just givin a scenario- a stupid one), den u start shredding(maybe not pretty well) even though it's not ur turn to perform, and u weren't even supposed to perform al all! this makes the ppl think u wanna flaunt ur skills in front of everyone so that everyone would look up to u(literraly they are because u're on stage-_-),but all u wanted to do is test his awesome gadget and guitar.some would hate u(the better and more mature guitarists) and some would love u because they think u're a guitar god.So wad do u gain?experience testing out an awesme gadget,ppl hu u ought to get to know would not like u, and ppl u'd prolly wanna avoid,liking u.so wad do u do? the best thing to do is to ask the owner of the awesome gadget backstage or smt and ask where he/she bought it frm or smt and go to the place and tesst it out,it's no rush for u to test it at the very moment u see tt gadget as if u'd buy it straight frm the owner.well, so the moral of the story is that is better for u to flaunt ur skills when u were GIVEN the opportunity to do so, like during the Guitar Day on 2nd may the guy asked if anyone would wanna test out the affect peddles.A brave guitarist took the opportunity to wah the crowd with the wah peddle..lol..
Wow i've gone way overboard have I
well tt's it.what i've typed may not be "true" because there isn't any right ans.many ppl would have diff P.O.V well this is mine. So if u're unhappy bout wad i've said plz do reply to this post and i don't mean any harm to those hu feel harmed while reading my typed essay.haha..

maybe its not a case of there being too few bassists, drummers, or vox. maybe its a case of too many cocks being attracted to the guitar
maybe ur armpit stink, he dowant call u anymore? hehe no la jk. let them be man. Its their loss. If ur not in the band, it means ur meant for another. same goes for relationships. If it ends, ur meant for another. get my drift?

P.S: There is a lead guitarist and a rhythm guitarist. Some rhythm guitarist can solo better, but they choose not to because they love riffing more. Basically its chosing the right members to be in a band. If they can work together, it works man. If not, find another! If he's looking for a rhythm guitarist...then y bother auditioning if u urself want to play lead? So what if u can play lead better? its his band. meeeeeeeeh...correct or not?
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