i like ur thinking rockito .. although i've nv been into tt kind of situation b4, i can imagine it. although my imagination sux,i can tell it's bitter. well u see man, there are many kind of ppl in this world, fat,small,ugly,hot,hairy..etc .the ppl we're talking about here are egoist. They just want to be the best and do not want others to be better than em and wants to be in the spotlight. for those who are like that, it's better to have someone BETTER than u playin beside u so u can learn frm him/her/alien ..it would eventually make u a better player and if u wanna be better than him/her/alien,work extremely hard so that everyone would noe u're better than him indeed. It somehow makes u feel really gd too and gives u the boost to be more gooood. Just don't show off that u can play real well eg. like after a performance(not urs,u were part of the audience) u go up on stage asking the guy whether u can test out his guitar(this sounds stupid i know but i'm just givin a scenario- a stupid one), den u start shredding(maybe not pretty well) even though it's not ur turn to perform, and u weren't even supposed to perform al all! this makes the ppl think u wanna flaunt ur skills in front of everyone so that everyone would look up to u(literraly they are because u're on stage-_-),but all u wanted to do is test his awesome gadget and guitar.some would hate u(the better and more mature guitarists) and some would love u because they think u're a guitar god.So wad do u gain?experience testing out an awesme gadget,ppl hu u ought to get to know would not like u, and ppl u'd prolly wanna avoid,liking u.so wad do u do? the best thing to do is to ask the owner of the awesome gadget backstage or smt and ask where he/she bought it frm or smt and go to the place and tesst it out,it's no rush for u to test it at the very moment u see tt gadget as if u'd buy it straight frm the owner.well, so the moral of the story is that is better for u to flaunt ur skills when u were GIVEN the opportunity to do so, like during the Guitar Day on 2nd may the guy asked if anyone would wanna test out the affect peddles.A brave guitarist took the opportunity to wah the crowd with the wah peddle..lol..
Wow i've gone way overboard have I
well tt's it.what i've typed may not be "true" because there isn't any right ans.many ppl would have diff P.O.V well this is mine. So if u're unhappy bout wad i've said plz do reply to this post and i don't mean any harm to those hu feel harmed while reading my typed essay.haha..