it is not illegal, but because the places we use to train, we dirty the walls, that's illegal. Or if you do it on someone else's building's fences/walls, its also illegal. Trespassing. People do get warnings from police la, quite normal. Plus Singapore is increasing its security so... I don't know whats gonna happen. :D nevertheless, keep training, just try to avoid trespassing.
lol..wow.. practically on the same red line MRT stations : ))
k so we wanna make a group right. lets have a jam session sumwhere arnd the nxt wkz preferabbly a saturday. wht say u guys?
So is there any training lessons in SG?? if yes e-mail me. tks.
1 more thing. i dont mind making a group but i'm 14 only and have school
Need help!

yea just go to the forum. add the parkour singapore group on facebook also. I think forum won't be that active because some people have problems accessing the forum.

just head down to a jam session when someone organize, they'd be glad to help you.

Hm.. I am new to parkour/freerunning and I do want to get on it with some ppl as u know we do this with fun and I also need some advice and teaching. How do I know where and when who organize a jam session? Please reply. Ty.