Keyboardists-only band

hey i would certainly love to be part of an all keyboard main reason is being that i just wanna gain some experience and learn from other fellow keyboardist as well cause i've only played the piano for 9 months only and definitely all the other keyboardist out there can burn me on the spot.
i would like to know more future details concening this all keyboard keep me updated yeah?
I don't know about an ALL-keyboard band... But i'd like to work in a band where there is a dedicated synth player, who is also into sequencing and all kinds of live production effects.

I'm a pianist, and although when i play in commercial groups I use different patches, I am not a synth player in that I don't know how to program, create original patches, etc. So while I focus on keys (I'm a jazz pianist first and a pop-one second), it'd be good to not only share the stage with a synth player, but also collaborate on an original act.

Plus, anyone with patience could also teach me more about electronic music :)

So any synth players interested in collaborating with a stage pianist one day? :)
sounds like a cool idea. actually, we should set up a keyboardists' forum/circle, just like hte bass forum and drummers circle in singapore. and we could proceed from there.

jaytea, you're a singaporean based in perth, or are u australian? do u play with any band over there?
iansoh said:
jaytea, you're a singaporean based in perth, or are u australian? do u play with any band over there?

Australian-born chinese :) But spent a lot of time in sarawak malaysia and singapore growing up. Still spend a few weeks to a month or two out of a year in these places. Couldn't stand not going back :p

But coming up for a year or two at least to work. Hopefully get to jam with some like-minded musos too. Really interested in working with a "bonafide" synth/sequencer player/artist though. Why can't piano be a "standard" instrument and have effects and stuff to complement that right? ;)

Oh i've played in jazz ensembles, small and large. Cover bands that play english top 40, cover bands that play english indie stuff, and most recently cover bands that play asian pop (mandarin, canto, jap, korean). Doing some showcase gigs next weekend actually for chinese new year and celebrate new renovations/changes to a venue. So will be performing just for an hour-to-90-mins on friday, saturday, and sunday nights. will try to record... :)
iansoh said:
sounds like a cool idea. actually, we should set up a keyboardists' forum/circle, just like hte bass forum and drummers circle in singapore. and we could proceed from there.

Actually, we don't need another forum as this forum is already quite well established and has a keyboardists section.
I did play before in all keyboardist band. Actually we called in ensamble. But for competition purpose only. Those YAMAHA competition.

Fun lar actually.
All kb band sounds very promising. Lots of effects and creative compositions can be played. Very versatile ensem to say the least. And the style is very unique...

Yes, I would like to join u all to learn and experience new stuff. I jus got my New Korg Triton Extreme. I need someone to guide me too...
hey, i'm new here.
I wouldn't mind joining an all keyboard band. As i learnt the keyboard from the internet & i have no experience in learning from piano teachers..i'd really like to mix around with the others & upgrade my skills..
i had actually wanted to try forming an all keyboard band but from what i see, keyboardists are quiet rare here..(before i stumbled upon this forum)
so..wat are the ideas for an all keyboard band?
Keyboardists jamming together is a problem - we have to carry heavy keyboards. What about those online jamming? Perhaps somebody can give some suggestions.
everyone must be at least running at 2M bandwidth !

brass section

... what else?

all use synth to play the parts!
not if you're using soft synths.. only midi data will need to be transferred. compared to hardware synths where analog signals need to be transmitted.

i believe there's a software for online jamming. i can't remember what it's called.. a friend showed me the link before.

then again.. might prove quite difficult to jam with soft synths online cos many don't have internet on their DAW.. not to mention latency issues when a big part of processor power is spent on the networking.
very interesting concept. always wanted to do something crazy like that. anybody up for a physical all keyboardists jam?
Iansoh, you're right. I forgot I don't have internet on my DAW... Unless we somehow network it. But too much hassle.
yeah kinda like a keyboardist for drums, a keyboardist for bass, a keyboardist for lead etc. i like emulating the sounds of other instruments, and it'll be cool to see the outcome of several keyboardists forming a band.
that's what i thought. emulating sounds is a novel idea, but it would be hard not to sound cheesy at the same time.

IMO the strengths/advantages of a synth + keyboardist lie elsewhere, but it's hard to talk about it cos this is a very subjective issue heavily influenced by one's music interests/background.

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