Joey Jordison

yala. but the difference is. those guys i mentioned have the motive of attracting chicks mah. that's the bad thing about picking up any instrument for that matter.
hehe... depending on how you look at it, its not always a bad thing. way back then a guitarist i know used to practice damn hard so he cld show off and attract attention (and girls).... well, he grew out of it eventually..... but u know what, the by product of that immaturity gave him his current 'skill' !!! :lol:

whatever works man, sometimes u don't ahve to be too focused on doing the right thing, just keep doing that thang, go with the flow and do what you feel u wanna do.... everybody needs something to 'motivate' them...even if in time to come it turned out to be another step in your growth, something good can still come out of it (at least thats how i feel... subjective... don't shoot me pls!!! )

Phil - check your pm

Strangely, I know none of these famous drummers that you guys are talking about. I myself started picking up drums while at a friend's house for fun, and then started listening to The Darkness -> ACDC -> GnR -> Motley Crue and most recently, X Japan. I got most of my ideas of playing from the above bands, so I can't really say if influence, or visual effects were part of my development as a drummer.

What I can say is, if the purpose of playing is not to continue playing and loving it, then said musician probably won't last long. The influence that the drummers-in-training will largely affect the way the drummer plays, but ultimately, if the drumming is only to get 'chicks', or what not, then it'll stop there. There's no passion.
oh yeh go joey! he plays as fast as hell and go Slipknot! (nitoBRO)

haha i don't know much of the drummers mentioned above too, i'm more of the Who, Beatles era person..Ahh but i personally love drummin and it seems odd that one would want to play drums just to attract chicks. LOL

What motivates me to play drums:

1. I LOVE drums!!
2. I wanna prove to my cousins that they made the biggest mistake of getting me out of the band!!!!
3. Prove to my uncle that he isn't the best in everything....
His fast thats 1 thing, reason his name his often mention is tat Slipknot is well known....don get me wrong....have u heard of ex-drummer of HATE ETERNAL, Derek Roddy.....if u seen his homeade video, u might think again....cause my friend was once Joey fan till the day i show derek roddy videos..personally i also once thought that he is very2 fast....but after going to the website, i realise that nothing compare to this ppl in the website.... :oops:
headwan said:
His fast thats 1 thing, reason his name his often mention is tat Slipknot is well known....don get me wrong....have u heard of ex-drummer of HATE ETERNAL, Derek Roddy.....if u seen his homeade video, u might think again....cause my friend was once Joey fan till the day i show derek roddy videos..personally i also once thought that he is very2 fast....but after going to the website, i realise that nothing compare to this ppl in the website.... :oops:
Like I said, buddy...
Derek Roddy is one OF the best out there...
DO NOT forget George Kollias from Nile and Tony Laureno.

If only these other lame "joey fanboys" would just check out Derek's site at least.
I mentioned Derek before...

And Joey isn't fast, NOT at all. Just sloppy.
If it's "foot" fast, it's gotta be Tim Waterson... with his guiness record breaking 1407 beats per minute with both feet.
If Joey can play the stuff that FROST plays, i'd say he deserves a little respect.. He is overrated by a lot of people, but i still think he's good.. But Derek Roddy is on a different level.. 8)
Joey isn't the best drummer out there..

Derek Rody, George Kollias and Aquiles Priester is better..


he is still ONE of the best drummers out there..

He has good showmanship too....

Joey isnt the best drummer out there because you cant really state who's the best drummer out there.

Just like in Singapore, can u say that Brandon Khoo is better than Jimmy Lee? There's alot of things to consider:

1) age
2) style of playing
3) genre of music

and many more.

We should all just respect pple who drum for the love of it and enjoy the grooves and fill-ins they can offer. I don't believe there's a BEST drummer out there. Just a group of people who are AMONG the best!


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