Joey Jordison

I find it hard to believe that drummers look to spinning platforms as showmanship compared to cleanly executed blistering spins and twirls of Blackwell and Lang.

It's also incredibly false to say that no other drummer has the showmanship/style like Joey. He is no different from most metal drummers with his 16th notes double bass under a simple rock beat, simplistic fills and uninspired orchestration However, he is fast and clean which I must say is something that is very hard to achieve as a drummer, but then again, so is Dave Lombardo, Gene Hoglan, and that drummer from Origin with his cleanly executed fulcrum roll.
hes an excelent drummer...perfect for SLIPKNOT...i just wish they could bring he revolving drum stage...that would be halla cool
gadd and weckl.


but ahem, it's really just preference. i admire joey for his speed, travis for his feisty way of playing, gadd for his powerhouse grooves, weckl for his immaculate timekeeping and cross rhythms and vinnie for his amazing coordination.

perhaps drummers can be split into 3 major cats: groove(gadd), combi(portnoy) and speed(joey). weckl and vinnie are somewhat a mixture of combi and speed.
wired: Its entriely up to you when you talk about these things, due to its subjective nature what might be great to you might suck to others..

I like dave weckl, portnoy, virgil and tommy igoe.. I appreciate them as professionals, and people who are push the barriers..

Its not a question of over rated or underated.. its a question of what you as a person looks for, thats all.

joey is slipknot the same way corey is slipknot, take a way joey it wont be slipknot Take away corey it wont be slipknot.

Portnoy is DT the same way pettruci is DT, take away portnoy it wont be DT, take away pettruci it wont be DT.

Imagine this, your a 18 year old kid and you watch slipknot, everything sounds great and the drummer is awesome coz he plays so well with the band, and you go home beliveing that he is the best drummer in the world..


you are an 18 year old musician who has been playing drums for about 4 years, taking lessons and stuff like that. You go to slipknot concert you watch the band you watch how joey locks in with the band and you go home thingking, danm this guy works so danm well with the band how the shit does he do that? then you go back to watching drum videos from people like thomas lang etc etc..

Its your choice, if that one rock star motivates you to learn music sooner or later you will find out who is over rated and whos not.

ps. about the part that says why dont people like John Blackwell or Eric Moore get the due attention?

Simply coz musicians dont make up 90% of the worlds population. =)

Is it me only but I do hear his doubles going off timing..... oh well no ones perfect.

Anyways.... Mr Joey went through education in drums but in the end chose this genre of music cos he likes it, but bear in mind he can play jazz too, something we drummers have to keep in mind, learn all types of music.

I used to be fascinated by speed and the Lars of it, but now when I listen to the Black album again, its really all about taste.

But watching both videos, I really do think that the kid has more chops and musicality than Joey.

And Tommy Lee by the way, is a good drummer. The critics were skeptic of him so he held a showcase with them and he shut them up by playing a latin jazz solo.

There has been much talk about Slipknot these past few days, the high must still be there I suppose. I cant wait when Lauretta Abalone decides to bring in Dave Matthews Band.

Cheers people....
u know i've seen alot of good bands that are just plain boring. (most are jazz bands). theres honestly nothing wrong with a spinning drum or machine guns firing over ur drum set. it's stage theatrics man and after all we are here to entertain. lets all just keep an open mind cause one man's meat is another man's poison, beauty is in the eye of the beholder blah blah blah. tommy lee grooves damn hard man, just check out doctor feel good by motley crew. by the way stewart copeland mentioned that he was inspired to take up the double bass when he saw slipknot perform. honeslty not my kinda music but i appreciate the skill involved

peace love and pot!
As long as the drummer can keep time, to me, he or she is already a good drummer.

Joey does this in his own style in his own band. And I respect him for being an exceptional entertainer.

Sure, it's perhaps one of the most barbaric and simplistic forms of drumming, rhythm wise. But remember that musicians are there to entertain. Not just playing "music" per se. Leave that to the records.

Besides, music is really 50% music, 50% business. If Joey has found a remarkable and effective way to market himself to the masses, then hats off to him for making a name (and a ton of cash too) for himself.

This takes intelligence, as well as a substantial amount of ignorance from the audience, but hey, it works. It's unfair. It's inane. But the bottom line is, IT WORKS and it works well.

Kudos to Joey for his PR, entertainment and marketing skills. None to his drumming (cept for his speed), but let's face it, he started out as a guitarist.
I like Joey for his straight up aggressive drumming.

But you can't say that Travis's style is not impressive. Have you seen a video of him doing rudiments on a snare? That was wicked.
Wired has a point.. the reason we gather here are cos we are discriminating listeners.. it's good to have your idols, but one shouldn't rave too much about it cos is it really justifiable? Then when you hear another band which has a drummer with damn power double bass then you make him your idol. Rinse and repeat. Then you'll end up having so many idols. Then what's the meaning of an idol?

I can name some drummers that are probably simultaneously all the idols of some people..

Dave Lombardo - can't help it, he's good
Joey - duh!
Travis Barker
Lars Ulrich
Gene Hoglan - not all maybe but this guy's hella powerful playa.
Yoshiki - how could we ever forget?

Six should be enough, innit?

Now, note to yourselves that I'm not running your idols down.. I'm not fit to do that, seeing as I don't make the millions that they do. HOWEVER, rest assured that if by some awesome stroke of luck I DO make those millions, I'll be back here to diss them in your face.

No offense meant, but seriously, after having 6 simultaneous idols, where's the meaning of idol? It's like saying "I wanna prevent AIDS to myself by having only 1 sex partner - my spouse" and then going for an orgy. Not the best analogy I know, but at 10:40pm and exams next week this is what I can think of :P

Not that Wired is completely right, I have to concur with some points made.. such as "One man's food is another man's poison" that is irrefutable, however as I've mentioned, we are discriminating listeners - musicians, so called. So it would do us some good to actually behave more like musicians and not fans who faint when they pick up a pair of sticks that Dave throws to the crowd..

Hope I've supplied some points for us to ponder over..
Jive B: Spare us from your use of twisted rhetoric and concentrate on your exams lest indulgent of yourself!

To each his own, and no, I don't see myself fainting like a fan. As a discriminating reader and musician, the only thing i'm left pondering abt is wad's wrong with looking up to a huge group of drumming greats for inspiration? They too have a long list of favourites upon which inspiration is drawn from.

And yes, (I agree with Wired) 'One man's food is another man's poison'.
anw theres alot of straight aggresive drummer but joey take it to next level....
i seen him banging his head like nobody business and still keep in touch with the for the double pedal stuff.....i seen some much better den him to be honest...but i never hear him do a blast beat before......but technical drummer impress me alot.....Sean Reinert(cynic),dave silveria(korn) and tomas hakke(meshuggah) cool stuff from them too although sometime tomas hakke uses his drum program software,"Drumkit from Hell"
happiness said:
Jive B: Spare us from your use of twisted rhetoric and concentrate on your exams lest indulgent of yourself!.

I don't see where I've said that there was anything wrong with looking up to a huge group of drumming greats.. and thanks for the concern but i spend 8 hours a day studying the least you can do is let me go online for an hour (:

Thing is.. you're not a fan, are you? There's a difference between fan and influence/inspiration/somesynonym.

By the way.. i think i've made another post about joey just recently.. it's around here. So.. yeah my stand's clear. You're free to disagree with me.
Hey, I think Joey is this generation's Ringo Starr...

Joey will get people to pick up drumsticks more than Gadd & Co. ever will.

Start with Joey, get exposed to Gadd/Hass/Donati, end as a great drummer. Ain't that great? Let's face it; Joey has nothing going for him but foot speed. I'm sure all of you will agree. As you progress musically, you'll probably find that more apparent.

You know, classifying drummers under a category titled 'speed' is rather shallow, don't you think? You can be fast as hell but if you're not making music or performing everywhere, what's the point? I can shed at home like a madman and end up playing 250 bpm double bass but does that make me a drummer? No. It just makes me someone who can wiggle his ankles fast for a couple of minutes.

Maybe it's easier to classify drummers into THOSE WHO PLAY FOR THE MUSIC and THOSE WHO PUSH THE LIMITS OF THE INSTRUMENT. But of course, classifying anything would lead to prejudice and closed-mindedness.

You can disagree, but most people started drumming because they saw a drummer in a popular band, and that drummer's probably not in the least bit technically impressive.

Who here started off by drummers like Lars Ulrich, Meg White etc? They may officially suck at drum technique but hey, they ARE a major influence.
most of the drummers mentioned on this thread are good players (except lars) but if you joey is fast you havent seen the likes of derek roddy,george kollias,pete sandoval or such.

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