Joey Jordison

Hi, I hate to be completely off topic - but I got attracted to this thread because of your name. Are you a fan of Slapshock?
he is a incredible drummer...but i guess some of u might know..he is a talented guitarist as well....he is the guitarist for his side band called murderdolls...
he's quite cool sounding....nice solos...
offtopic : travis barker and dave grohl are nt bad too..especially dave..a guitarist as well
I watch all. All are good, except Travis Barker one which i dont like at all. What is your point of letting me to watch Travis and then watch Joey's? Huh?Huh? Oh yeah, anyway his tatoo nice. :)

Anyway all not bad, but still i like Joey. Not worshipping, just i like him, his styles, his strokes.

Actually nothing much really. I just thought its fair enough to let people view them all and then judge the drummers by themselves. I like Joey myself, he's a good drummer, solid chops, nice double bass chops too, but that's about it.

He isn't even slightly technical or novel in his playing style. Its all about the visuals and fancy rotating platforms that give him the "style". Oh come on, he's a good drummer, yes, but you people as drummers should know how to differentiate between an entertainer and a good drummer.

I hear more talks here about Joey and his AHEAD sticks than Dave Weckl and his Evolution cymbals (which I must say, is some of the best cymbals I've ever played.
Maybe because people who have the styles + showmanship + skills, all together have the attention more?? maybe?

In the 80s people dont mind how ugly you're as long as you have a good voice, but nowadays even you have a super nice voice if your face ugly or nos tyle or whatever shit, people dont acknowledge you...........much.

Well, seriously im nto that type of person. I like Dave Weckl, i watch his videos "BACK TO BASICS" and i watch THOMAS LANGS (Seriously this guy has an incredible foot techniques, one of the best i can say, or IVE EVER SEEN) but it just that i like Joey........and Yoshiki.

Being good doesnt mean he/she got to be like rite rite? :lol:
True, but that's if you're talking about "liking" a drummer much like how obese teenage girls want Sylvester Sim inside of them, then yes, Mr Barker, Lars, and Joey would be the best candidates.

These are the drummers who need spinny stage platforms and fancy lighting for "showmanship". Watch people like John Blackwell or Eric Moore, these people have amazing showmanship without having to resort to such stage gimmicks. They also have the skills. So why aren't these drummers, who are more skilled, capable of more genuine stage showmanship and having more dynamic playing styles, getting all the attention?

How about lets say.... a blatant case of underrated drummers and severely overrated drummers?
i think different ppl got different taste lor......... :D

wat u like does not mean wat other ppl will like......... n who i think who is good does not mean u will think he is good lor....... :wink:

like an old saying........ 1 man's food is another poison........ :o

anyway...... no hard feeling hor....... :P

+1 to the previous post.

anyway, maybe people wanted something different. for e.g no other drummer has the style/showmanship like joey's has, yoshiki has even steve gadd has its own style while playing.

just that people attracted to something different.

my opinion la.

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