Jack Neo's Press Conference

firstly, jack neo's movies are nothing to shout about. not as if he is some local enigma or the golden boy of singapore's silver screen or anything. in other words, his movies are shit.

secondly, the timing of his 'model' (clubsnap amateur ahlian) making a dramatic appearance at his home is quite coincidental with the release of his new movie.

i would not be wrong to say that he or his movie would attract far less publicity if not for this scandal. we've seen such stunts time and time again in hollywood to good effect.

in essence jack neo is a big monk is a small temple, resorting to gimmicks to gain popularity. you must also admit that he is succeeding, so in fact we are the retards.

but not me lah, i don't watch local films. as it is i do not have enough time money and interest to watch hollywood blockbusters. please lah its not as if the dvds are flying off the shelf. the last local film i watched in a cinema was 'be with me' and i only watched it to see ezann lee and samantha something act as a hot lesbian couple. i also watched mee pok man cos JOE NG from THE PADRES was the star. RESPECT.

I wanted to comment something but this guy hit the spot. Respect to you shinobi-san.

1) The girl, I have got no respect for her at all. Everyone's making her the victim. Shit, I'm 22 now, I'm old enough to know if I want to have sex with Jack Neo or not.

2) He's rich as hell, I have no pity for him whatsoever. I love seeing the rich fall, because I'm not, and because such idiots exist who cannot thank their lucky stars for making it big but instead choose to try luck. He got a nice wife, a loving family, money, a good future yet he chose to throw it away.

3) In fact I know what type of girl that girl is. She's the emo-lian kind who is damn clingy and make everything out to be some dynasty bullshit.

4) The average guy on the street would do the same as Jack Neo, unless he has something pulling him back, like a strong conscience or faith. Not saying I would, but all these ah pek complaining about Jack Neo is because no 22 year old model wannabe is trying to piak piak them.

5) Jack Neo has an awesome war cry.

6) Jack Neo's movies suck. He took one of my favourite movies of all time, Iranian masterpiece Children of Heaven and made it into a piece of sh*t called Homerun. People actually thought Homerun was his original. Damn I hated Jack Neo after that.

7) If I were mitsubishi, I'd do the same thing without hesitation.
the jounarlists and photogs at jack neo's press conference were really overboard. their actions are really odious. the poor wife was already weeping so hard and they still want to block their way when she passed out for the sake of photos. -.-' looks like their requests to the media totally fell on deaf ears.
I'm sure there are sexual predators worse than Jack Neo. It just happens that he, along with Tiger Woods, had their cases publicized because they're famous and well-known people.

Yeah, he ought to apologize to his family and all the women he violated. Why apologize to the public for? He didn't do us any direct wrong.
jack neo was just suay to kena sexposed by the 22 year old girl. there are probably more sex scandals out there involving famous people it's just that they are not known to the public.
Ah Nan FTW :)


I don't expect this type of scandal to rock Singapore and I think Jack Neo's wife should not attend the press conference. She don't have to face the media with her disgraced husband.