Jack Neo's Press Conference

^Yeah, it's like the government just one day called Jack Neo up, and be like "Jack, we need you to have sex with a 22 year old. This Romanian sh*t is killing us"
I personally feel all this hype over whos doing who and what they did is so unnecessary.
The media is blowing everything up, first Tiger Woods and now this.
Why should everyone have a say in someone's personal problems which i find is utterly stupid. No offence though.
An apology is simple enough, accept it, get over it, sweep it under the rug.
Lets just give them the space they need to overcome their problems as a family and not having an entire nation worrying about his family. Seriously.

This is different, this Jack Neo. A lot of young kids look up to him. Imagine the disappointment.
Same goes for Ronny Tan.

When you wield so much power and influence, any misdeeds becomes unforgivable.
^Yeah, it's like the government just one day called Jack Neo up, and be like "Jack, we need you to have sex with a 22 year old. This Romanian sh*t is killing us"

This conspiracy has never made more sense! I don't see how this ISN'T possible right now actually.
I am very sure that by now Jack has already learned his lesson. If his wife can forgive him I don't see why others cannot. Those who criticize, please be careful, it may happen to you one day or maybe is already happening buy not caught yet. Honestly, I do not like Mitsubishi's immediate reaction. Maybe they are taking this as an excuse not to renew his contract. If this is not the case then I think Mitsubishi is childish.
By the way, can a company sack it's employee for having external affair?
Think about it....

endorsement is different. Just like many others took Tiger Woods off endorsement.
He took one of my favourite movies of all time, Iranian masterpiece Children of Heaven and made it into a piece of sh*t called Homerun. People actually thought Homerun was his original. Damn I hated Jack Neo after that.

me too. Ironically it was one of better local films made, too bad he had to rip off.
guys, if your wives complain to you about you spending time and money on gear and music, explain to them that they should be glad that you are spending time and money on gear and music.. instead of spending the time/money on flings.
That Mrs Ivy Singh-Lim is a horrible person for making such a comment in the media about Mrs Neo, especially when Mrs Neo is visibly heartbroken and hurt. It says a lot about a person. What a cold lovelovelovelovelove!

Mr Liang was not going to leave his wife and family of over 20 years for that floozie. She probably knew that as well, or she must be really stupid/naive. She definitely should not have gone to Mr Liang's house for a confrontation and 'expose' to Mrs Liang - that takes a very self-centered, selfish and heartless person to do that. If you are going to get involved with a married man, then you just have to cop the aftermath on your own, without hurting an innocent party (i.e. Mrs Liang).

I don't think Mrs Liang was wrong in taking him back, especially when Mr Liang stated clearly that it is her that he wants to be with, not some floozie. At the end of the day, all she was good for was spending some of his money on handbags and holidays, in exchange for some hot car sex. And that was all it was - just sex.

Look at Mr Bill Clinton and Hilary for example. Hilary knew Bill just had a BJ with some starry-eyed intern who couldn't hold a candle against her. Does Mrs Ivy Singh-Lim think that Hilary should be labelled a 'weak, subservient woman' who panders to all her husbands needs? It is not that simple or easy for a woman (or man for that matter) to leave a marriage that has lasted that long. She is nearly 50, with 4 children, probably financially dependent on him or had given up a career to raise the kids. How is she going to get a fresh start again? It is not like Mr Liang was abusive or a drunk throughout their marriage or knock up a stepdaughter Woody Allen style... He just wanted to get his jocks off ever so often in his specially designed/curtained car.

Comparing Mr Liang with Eric Khoo is like comparing an apple to an orange. If I wanted to watch some critically acclaimed arty-farty Sundance film festival movie, I would buy it off Amazon (or attend an independent film festival). Mr Liang appeals to the general Singaporean population because he makes films about everyday life and takes the piss out of it. He wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth and that is why he can make films that appeal to the hoi polloi of Singapore. Eric on the other hand is the son of one of the richest hoteliers in Asia, and has plenty of money to indulge and finance arty-farty films that may not sell, but may win international accolades. Good for him!
Eric Khoo's My Magic (Wiki page here, IMDB page here) is about the 'general Singapore population' too.

The only difference is that 'My Magic' was the 1st Singapore film to be nominated for the Palme D'Or, the top award for film at the Cannes Film Festival. Its has been also selected as Singapore's official entry for the Oscars in 2009. It received rave reviews from both professional critics and the general public (both local and foreigners alike). That's because it has a perfect balance of familiarity to appeal to everyone, originality, creativity and it's artfully done.

How long do you think Singaporeans should live with Jack Neo's recycled plots, brainless slapstick, social stereotyping, borrowed story lines and over-used actors for?

Film, yes they are mainly entertainment, but I feel directors and film-makers should be responsible for a society's intellectual progress too.

I've always felt that Jack Neo is a convenient propaganda vehicle for the government, in trying to herd Singapore's sheep, and nothing else.

Interesting point...

Then how do you explain American Pie?:p

Hehehe... American Pie is a themed series mah, centered around the subject of teenage sexuality and all that.

Whereas almost all of Jack Neo's movies rely heavily on brainless slapstick, stale and lame jokes, and social stereotyping.

And it doesn't sit well with many educated viewers when he blatantly copies other movies and has the cheek to say otherwise. Where's the creativity? Where's the originality?

This kind of thing subliminally sends the message to Sinkies that being copycats is acceptable. It encourages them.

Do we want to be another China, where tons of products are shameless copies, inferior and dangerous sometimes (exploding handphone batteries, melamine-tainted milk, toy products containing excessive lead etc.) to the public?
