The following is a copy-paste routine from a source on the Net.
Example 1- Lower Income Bracket
In 2006, if after rebates etc and your net taxable income is $25,000, the income tax you need to pay is $187.50 (3.75%).
If you spend 25% of your income, which is $6,250, on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 5% will be $312.50.
Total taxes paid for the year : $500
In 2007, if after rebates etc and your net taxable income is $25,000, the income tax you need to pay is $175 (3.5%).
If you spend 25% of your income, which is $6,250, on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 7% will be $437.50.
Total taxes paid for the year : $612.5
Effectively, your income tax is reduced by $12.50 but you pay $125 more in GST.
Result: Net Increase of $112.50 in overall tax payable!!
From $312.50 in 2006 to $437.50 in 2007, it is an effective INCREASE of 22.5% of taxes paid... not 2%
Example 2 - Middle Income Bracket
In 2006, if after rebates etc and your net taxable income is $60,000, the income tax you need to pay is $2,700 (8.75%).
If you spend 25% of your income, which is $15,000, on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 5% will be $750.
Total taxes paid for the year : $3450
In 2007, if after rebates etc and your net taxable income is $60,000, the income tax you need to pay is $2,600 (8.50%).
If you spend 25% of your income, which is $15,000, on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 7% will be $1050.
Total taxes paid for the year : $3550
Effectively, your income tax is reduced by $100 but you pay $300 more in GST.
Result: Net Increase of $200 in overall tax payable!!
From $750 in 2006 to $1050 in 2007, it is an effective INCREASE of 5.8% of taxes paid... not 2%
Example 3 - Higher Income Bracket
In 2006, if after rebates etc and your net taxable income is $400,000, the income tax you need to pay is $61,650 (21%).
If you spend 25% of your income, which is $100,000, on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 5% will be $5000.
Total taxes paid for the year : $66650
In 2007, if after rebates etc and your net taxable income is $400,000, the income tax you need to pay is $58,700 (20%).
If you spend 25% of your income, which is $100,000, on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 7% will be $7000.
Total taxes paid for the year : $65700
Effectively, your income tax is reduced by $2950 but you pay $2000 more in GST.
Result: Net DECREASE of $950 in overall tax payable!!
it is an effective DECREASE of 1.4% of taxes paid... the rich DOES NOT pay more!
Let's not even get into those who are less well-off, ie earning less than $25K per annum. Efffectively, they will be paying more for almost everything that they purchase. And if any of you can recall, the first time GST came into play, prices for almost everything went up by a much higher percentage than the GST. This came about as proprietors jacked-up their prices to buffer themselves for the GST.
It leaves to be seen how well the less well-off are assisted after this increase in GST. Thus far, the record has been abysmal.
Let it also be known that countries with GST do not charge this tax on certain items - such as medicine, baby's items, educational items such as books - just to name a few.