ISD, come read my post about the government

There are instances of shady deals relating to govt officials but not investigated by independent bodies like CPIB

The CPIB reports directly to the PM. The CPIB is not ndependent. And to your earlier referreal to the a group of peolple not having lost a defamation lawsuit, that is also incorrect. One of our beloved lost out on a dafamation suit involving a foreign newspaper in Canada.

Independent meaning they are not tied to any Ministries.

The word "independent" does not mean they have no boss to report to.

And settlement out of Court is by no way a loss or victory. It's private settlement.

SherT said:
American saying. I'm sure we're all fully aware of how adept they are at butchering the English language. :lol:

Lol, Singaporeans do a better job of it than Americans.

i see all this talk on poor how do you define poor? how many of you have actually experience being 'poor'? because the bottom 10% of the income bracket is still very much better off than majority of the people around the world.

It takes a certain kind of society to say that people cannot be concerned about the welfare of those less fortunate than themselves especially because they themselves do not understand how it is like being poor.
DoubleDecker said:
SherT said:
Like I said to doubledecker earlier, the sales rep can be kicked out any time. It's a democracy in our country, they can be kicked out of power any time, but people continue to vote for them. Why? Because if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The reason for the votes I am sure by now, it is a common fact. Timing of "aid package", timing of "price hike" thereafter. After so many elections, is it not obvious. Votes from over 90% long long ago ... dropping to the current 60+% ... it tells a tale of trust is slowly eroded as citizens starts to see unanswered suspicions go forgotten or redirected.

Precisely, so why are you people still complaining? 8)

Again I reinterate, I do not condone their policies, but I don't sit on my ass all day bitching about them either.
DD, one would think that the PMO (Prime Minister's Office) is the most important/prominent amongst the ministries out there. No?

Many other countries have truly independent bodies that investigate corruption. These setups do not report to anyone other than their bosses who are not linked to any political group of have any political inclinations. That, to me, is what independence means.

SherT said:
Precisely, so why are you people still complaining? 8)

Precisely, with the trust eroding like that, there are people who still believe we have the fairest and best possible leadership. Sorry, more often than none, the more beautiful it seems, the more rotten the core is.

Again I reinterate, I do not condone their policies, but I don't sit on my ass all day bitching about them either.

If someone is complaining about something that is none of their concern, yes that is bitching. But if someone is complaining about their very own money from their pocket, then it is not bitching anymore.

BTW, anybody actually said you condone their policies? I don't think so.

RoRK said:
DD, one would think that the PMO (Prime Minister's Office) is the most important/prominent amongst the ministries out there. No?

PMO is a department itself. It is not considered a ministry. Not in the law books of Singapore. :)

Anyway I rest my case from here. This thread is fast becoming a flaming thread. I can discuss but I am not interested in flamings. When things get a little too personal, it's time to push the stop button. :)


Mr hifi_killer, I was being sarcastic towards you and what you stand for. Don't for one moment take it that I am as nonsensical as you, young chap, yah. So stop pretending that you know it all when 90% of the time you fail to see what's right or wrong.

Let it be known that you have actually declared to all that Singapore should be a one-party country democracy.

Only morons are capable of making such an oxymoromic statement such as that. It shows that you fail to even understand what a democracy means and yet you dare to make such sweeping remarks.

I urge you to learn some humility and take your pre-uni Econs classes with a lot of salt.

I afterall am an elite, with a specialist degree in Econs, and have lots of working experience teaching much smarter people than you will likely ever meet in your lifetime if you keep up with your imbecilic nonsense.

Remember. I am your elite.

RoRK said:
Remember. I am your elite.

Well you sure as hell do not behave like one.

RoRk said:
Only morons are capable of making such an oxymoromic statement such as that. It shows that you fail to even understand what a democracy means and yet you dare to make such sweeping remarks.

Do you want to check the dictionary for the meaning of oxymoron, or do you want me to embarass your "elite" ass right here, right now?

and DD: I'm reemphasizing a point that professor RoRk here doesn't seem to be getting.
p.s. Do you want to check the dictionary for the meaning of oxymoron, or do you want me to embarass your "elite" ass right here, right now?

SherT, I am your elite. Behave yourself or we have to get the tought police to put your non-elite mind to better use.

Yeah, go check on oxymoron, I am sure a moron, as you have said so yourself, like yourself will be able to find what oxymoron means and how idiotic it is for someone to juxtapose the words, one-party and democracy and yet have the audacity to declare his intelligence.

In the words of Mr T., not related to you, I am sure, "I pity you fools!"

And don't fret if you are wrong, I'm sure you'll do well in that department as you trek along life's rosy path with your wannbe an elite strut.



RoRk said:
I am a moron.

Smartest thing you've said today. Omitting the remainder of the words, of course, given the fact that someone here is the one who needs the Mariam Websters.
He wouldn't know that snuff, he's too elite for us common folk with normal brains. His mental capabilities defy human logic.
p.s. Do you want to check the dictionary for the meaning of oxymoron, or do you want me to embarass your "elite" ass right here, right now?

OK lah. I was just pissing about with them for my last few posts. I am truly disgusted by people who believe in ideas that support that some are more elite/better than others. What poppycock!

I have had 1.5 bottles of Baron's Strong Brew. Which can only mean one thing - TIME TO PLAY THE GUITARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoooopeeeeeeee!

Mr SherT, please keep your promise, where is your research on OXYMORON?

Your elitist friends will be very disappointed with you or is it the case that elitists and their wannabes do not have to keep their words? Lol maybe that's what makes an elitist? Yeah, must be.

Remember, OXYMORON. WHy, does your dictionary stop at the letter "B"? I suggest taht you go to . I am certain that their dictionary has more words than the one you have, where till now, you have been bitching and screwing (albeit mostly yourself) and pretending that you are an elite member of society but fail to keep your word.

And for your info, if you had read my FIRST post, I had mentioned that using the country's reserves to assist the less fortunate in our society was a much better way than increasing the GST.
