ISD, come read my post about the government

Get off your lazy blue collar ass, stop living in self denial by forcing yourself to believe you're an academic, and do it yourself. Or do you not know how to use a dictionary?

It's bad enough that you complain about their inadequacies when the government spoon feeds you, now you want me to spoon feed you too? I'm probably gonna log in tomorrow and see a thread with my name on it, for the simple reason that you feel empowered hiding behind a computer.

It's time like these when I wonder if it's really my generation's fault for the state of degeneration some of them are in, what with "adults" like you leading the way.
SherT, you are truly a DISHONEST individual. You deliberately mid-quoted me in your post. That is hitting below the belt.

And let it be known that you are the one that has been supporting an elitist stance all this while while I have asking for a more understnding view of the less fortunate in our society.

You are truly piss in the garbage and I mean that literally. Even ants with minute brains know how to care for their less fortunate, but you, in your elitist stance can't even keeop your own word to find out the menaing of one word, OXYMORON, for which you accused me of using without foreknowledge of its meaning.

I feel sorry for you. You are actually worse off than the less fortunates in Singapore. At least they have self-respect, dignity and know much more about honesty than you.
For the benefit of the mentally inadequate;

I do not condone their policies.

What's your IQ, your shoe size?
For the record, SherT wanted to embarras me when he said

Do you want to check the dictionary for the meaning of oxymoron, or do you want me to embarass your "elite" ass right here, right now?

I was alluding someone who said that Singapore should be a one-part democracy as that suits Singapore. I said that it was idiotic to make such an oxymoronic statement. SherT replied as such.

Do you want to check the dictionary for the meaning of oxymoron, or do you want me to embarass your "elite" ass right here, right now?

Till now SherT has refused to let us know of his research into what OXYMORON means and my saying that the words/phrase "one-party democracy" was an oxymoron. he said that he will embarrass me.

He also deliberately copied, edited and then pasted what I had asid, and he the edit he made was meant to make him look good - untruthfully.

SherT, you are truly a DISHONEST person of the lowest order.

To, BD, apologies but I cannot let such blatant dishonesty by an elite get byk especially when I'm enjoying a great TV programme on 5 right now and I'm still yet to finish the other .5 of my Baron's Strong Brew. Hmmmm.

SherT, again, it is sad for you and all that you stand for that you have to stoop so low to win an argument that you beset to lose from the start. The truth is that elitist wannabes like you are full of crap to begin with.

This was supposed to be an argument?

I thought it was just another round of idiot bashing.

For the record;

1. I didn't deny the fact that I snipped that from your sentence. I said so, biznitch. And if you guys want to have a look, just go back a couple of pages, it's right there. Unless rork boy here tried to edit it, although it's beyond me why, given the fact that he is our tr00 academic.

2. I just can't be stuffed with morons. Go write a fucking thesis on your issue for all I care.

Arguing with cowboys is like banging your head against a brick wall. It feels so good when you stop. Thing is, you can walk away, but the wall has to stay right there and gather birdshit.
Black_Death said:
why dont james lock this effing thread??

and gutturalpiss..i hope ur happy now..causing such unrest!!! :x

who would've known that shert & rork would get into a battle of the elites? :lol:

and goodness gracious me..why on earth has this thread been started? enlighten me. i see no starting point in this game.

i only pictured 3 groups of ppl posting when i created the GST thread:

1) The concerned ones, all out to speak their minds, ABOUT THE GST HIKE.
2) The loyal ones, all out to speak for their government, ABOUT THE GST HIKE.
3) The topic-abiding ones, trying to stay away from the political talks and instead provide some input ABOUT THE GST HIKE AFFECTING OUR MUSICAL LIFE.

So who would've thought there'd b a 4th?

4) The Elitists
hey gutturalpiss...

dont the mention of elitist remind u of a certain les paul??

mmmmmm...single cuts.

damn..i still cant get over my disappointment over the prs tremonti SE...its so thin..hmm..maebe i might still get tt..hahha..cos i still effin want a single cut!!!
hifi_killer said:
RoRK said:
Yes! Again you are so right. We should all pay higher prices for services and goods thanks to these monopolies. Without these monopolies we would be paying less and that is no good for Singaporeans to be paying less for their housing, water, electricity etc. We should all be glad to pay more.

HAHAHAHAHA. You dont seem to know what you're talking about, worst still u try to ridicule something that you dont seem to know at've just shot urself in the foot. I admire your courage too :D .

rork you just dont get it do you?

These services are considered natural monopolies., which only monopolies have the power and financial clout to exploit extensive economies of scales, thus lowering average unit cost. Freedom in such markets will result in smaller firms, which lacks financial power to undertake such economies of scale.

1. you dont know what you're talking about
2.if you ever did care about ur image, you've have just made look like a arrogant and ignorant fool.

specialist in economic degree.. HAH please! your arguments are largely one sided, it only touches on the the surface, i dont see any depth.
we know its a music forum you moron, so find a way to have a music related discussion based on this topic and stop whining like a cunt