Is there a need to dress to define what you listen?

If I crossdress I will be a guy. .__.;; I don't mind but you will have to get me bindings and i will have to fine a suitable male hairstyle ot give me the male look. =X

But I will just be an extremely short boy.=P
ever heard of bondange punk????

I saw this guy in my school canteen, he was very punked up, but what caught my eyes was this bondage device he used to tie his legs togehter with!! Nv seen something like tt if theres a fire n he needs to flee?? :D
how do you know what you really are. even if you know what you really are, how do you know how to dress like what you really are?so if you are a scuba diver you go around wearing a diving suit walking in orchard road?
it still all goes down to one thing, only u truely define who u are, its just the same as u define wad type of music u like.u want to be who ppl want u to be, u want to be some one who knws what u want tobe.don tell me u are forced to wear wad u wear. well the bottom is “Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable.”, u are who u are, who cares wad ppl think about. as long as u are happy, screw their comments, they may look as screwed to u as u are to them. “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.”, just be urself :D nothing beats knwing u are u, nothing beats being someone u like.

guess tts just wad i feel...
amberbrew said:
how do you know what you really are. even if you know what you really are, how do you know how to dress like what you really are?so if you are a scuba diver you go around wearing a diving suit walking in orchard road?

Common sense, who would do that? Would you eat shit or eat rice? Unless you're that stupid
amberbrew said:
so if you are a scuba diver you go around wearing a diving suit walking in orchard road?

honey, he said dress to define what you LISTEN, not what you are.

Is there a music genre called scuba-core or something?
MichaelAngelo said:
ever heard of bondange punk????

I saw this guy in my school canteen, he was very punked up, but what caught my eyes was this bondage device he used to tie his legs togehter with!! Nv seen something like tt if theres a fire n he needs to flee?? :D[*/img][/quote]

What a retard.
MichaelAngelo said:
ever heard of bondange punk????

I saw this guy in my school canteen, he was very punked up, but what caught my eyes was this bondage device he used to tie his legs togehter with!! Nv seen something like tt if theres a fire n he needs to flee?? :D

The he'll bond with the fire...
I'm recently adopted the Randy from LoG look. mm Went and got a studded wristband thing, bought a log shirt and um yeah..

It's ebcuase of him, I realised that wearing a studded belt isnt emo.