Is there a need to dress to define what you listen?

why dont we all dress up like the ramones- get a goofy haircut, wear leather jackets and ripped tees, with tight ball-potruding jeans and white sneakers. i bet people gonna respect u.
cept that they've got no hair, they wear boots and their shirts arent ripped. so basically the only thing in common is the tight ball-protruding jeans heh
angusyoung said:
cept that they've got no hair, they wear boots and their shirts arent ripped. so basically the only thing in common is the tight ball-protruding jeans heh

o rly?

You ain't seen some of those jokers yet bro. :lol:
Hey guys, im curious.

Those that wear chains on their pants, what do you attatch it to?

I have no need to wear them, i dont put it on my wallet or keys or anything so i attach one end to my belt or the loop on my pants for the belt and thenattach it to my belt above my back pocket. I think it looks good, thats why i do it, but im curious as to wether some people are like me, or they actually attach it to something.

Wasnt it made to hold your wallet and keys to they dont fall out when your skateboarding or something? thats the logical explaination i can come up with.
Arghhhhh!!!! Why is it everytime I wear make up to look like a goth people keep labelling me as a fag? Is it the brand I use? Should I switch from Maybeline to some other brand?
sub_20 said:
Arghhhhh!!!! Why is it everytime I wear make up to look like a goth people keep labelling me as a fag? Is it the brand I use? Should I switch from Maybeline to some other brand?

Don't you know? Gerard Way uses Mac makeup. Do your research!
Is there a need to dress to define what you listen?

in my opinion, it may be neccesary in some situations (like gigs, gatherings etc..) what would people think if i wore heavy chains and dressed like zakk wyldde to participate or party at baybeats which.

but i do agree on the fact that theres no need to dress to define what we listen. its posing, and im sure all of you think its lame doing so.

i dont have to pierce and wear those tight t-shirts to tell people i listen to emo

i dont have to wear stripey shirts and jeans to tell people i listen to indie

i dont have to sport mohawks and wear tapered pants and "drunken" ties to tell people i listen to punk.

yeah you all get the picture

to summarise, be yourself. be style mylo at the right time and dont make a fool outta yourself.

cheers. :wink: