heh, usually the bigger the value, the bigger the size. For geetar circuit, i think it look nice to have big big components, but for actual situation, its really overkill siah, its like using a big wok to steam bun, to contain my meepok, the heartland style, at $3.00 per bowl.
perhaps can try from 130pf all the way up to 680pf. The value which i used for some of my geetar is 470pf. If you wanna try the resistor in series/parallel with the cap, can try round the range of 150kohm, some values higher or lower as well(130k, 160k, 180k etc).
the info on the resistors with the cap can be found on kinman site, fender fdp forum and some other pickup wiring/modding forums.
Some of them wired it in parallel and some in series with the cap, the explanation for it also can be found in the forum as well. Paiseh, i cant really remember much of those, if wanna, perhaps can hop over there to check it up
lastly, if wanna try for fun, different value without soldering and desoldering the components, can buy component socket which picture, i posted in one of the oleng cap mod thread, solder the socket to the pot, so at any time, you can plug in the cap and see if it works with the geetar setup.
and if the value of the cap is finalised, then can prolly solder it to the pot. If too troublesome to remove the socket, you can solder the cap directly to the socket. This is a stupid way thou, but no worries, everything will still work, but not nice looking only
which i did before on some other circuit..