Is it worth to fix Orange Drop Cap?


New member
I played the guitar for 7 months and I thought of improving the tone of my guitar. I thought I want to put orange cap on my guitar. but the question is,,

What kind of tone difference should I get?
Will it make my sustain better/longer??
Issit worth??

I called Beez and he told me that it cost 25 bucks for the orange cap including the fixing charge,...
Orange cap improves sustain? Who ever told you that?
It gives you better control over your tone controls, and clarity as well..
If you love your guitar, of course it's worth it.. I certainly could tell a difference..
INSTALLED IT!!!..i jus did it 2day at Standard Value (SV)..
coz my lp standard the neck pickup sounded not clear if alternate 2 i asked at standard value forum..n they recommend me to install...
so...installed 2day...i hear e differences as if like..swap pickup...the tone is clearer for sure!!!!
i also installed the "treble bleed" at SV...e function is to prevent lost of treble when turnin down the tone great!...
total cost for my orange cap n treble bleed was only $35!!!! mike (SV's owner) told me tat for strato or other guitar is only 1 cap...but for LP is 2 caps since got 2 tone pots but the price still e same...$25...+ treble bleed $10... regret... like paulo mention....installing cap is a +...changing pickup is a ++(gd pickup exp too)...
It is easy to install. Just get the Orange cap and solder it on your tone pot. Can save $20.

it improves your tone. seriously...
more clarity.

unless of course you prefer the nasal sound..

theres Seekz, Beez and Standard value. you take your pick.

Mine is with Seekz...
heh, how come outta sudden orange cap like machiam something god like???

a capacitor, is just a capcitor, but in the hand of guitarers and forums, its like the best thing since sliced bread

oh, other than orange cap, theres another colour cap which pedallers or anal peeps like to used one, its called "tropical fish" cap.

go search for those cap and see if it give big majik mojo tone to our instrument!
I believe there was a thread on the different caps. Would love to get my hands on them original bumblebee and tropical fish that used to be found in the old gibson les pauls...

From what I've read elsewhere, however, there are some industrial grade caps (i believe to be NOT intended for guitars) that basically increases tonal capacities even more...
its fun to try out, but getting too much into it for geetar, which prolly just round the range of millivolt, its funny as well.

one of me walnut 335 from around 74 with original pots and cap, while the tone is pretty nice, but i guess the deterioration of those components value and the pickup over the years prolly has a bigger impact over anythign else.

the cap in a passive tone control, doesnt boost any signal. by putting it along the path where our geetar signal is flowing, it act as a toll booth/filter and take away money/high frequency as we turn down the tone pot(shunting it to ground)

in passive circuit, we cant add much of anything theres not there from the beginning, we can only take away..
I've got Orange Drops in my Epi Les Paul Standard & Mallory Caps on my Squier Strat. Both with treble bleed mods.

I must say, they sound a lot clearer, brighter (especially on the strat - twang!!!), and sweeter than before. Its a good investment. Definately. :D
Hi guys, been reading on the orange drop cap threads. It's like the "in" thing uh. Is it really worth it? If I can improve my tone for just 25 bucks, hell it's worth the money.
Btw, just to clarify the orange drop cap and treble bleed mod is 2 different thing right?
ahh bro strat, for french cap, that we will need to use PM to talk. Openly talking about those cap between 2 guys aint cool thing!

anyway, for excalibur,

orange drop mod is the cap on tone pot, usually in the range of 0.0**uf(0.02uf, 0.033uf, 0.047uf etc), the higer the value, the darker your sound will be when turning down the tone pot.

treble bleed is for the cap on volume pot(its called treble bleed coz it allows high frequency/treble to "bleed thru" when turning down the pot). Usually in the smaller range of 100++pf to 680+pf. Sometime there might be a resistor either in series or parallel with it.

Cant exaclty remember now, but if the value used is too small or large, when you turn down the volume pot, it will be excessively bright till extend of irritating. The resistor in series/parallel with the cap can be omitted if dont want it. Treble bleed mod will still work with just a cap. Some people dont want it coz the addition of the resistor will change reponse of the pot when turning it.

i have tried the treble bleed thingy with resistor in parallel, series, just a cap thingy individually before. Ended up didnt really bother with the resistor coz a single cap is good enough for me since i dont turn down the volume too much.
ahh bro strat, for french cap, that we will need to use PM to talk. Openly talking about those cap between 2 guys aint cool thing!

Hahahaha... good point Pathein bro... We talk another time on this.

Anyways, I want to do a treble bleed on 2 guitars. 1 being a Strat with SSS singles, and one which is a HH guitar. What values should I use ah? Which voltage rated caps?

Voltage ratings do not matter for guitar. The guitar's voltage generated by the pickups is measure in millivolts so any voltage rating would work.

Whether the treble bleed would work according to how you like it is another thing though. Consider this, your guitar cables, patch cables all have capacitance, which will interact with the 'treble bleed' cap on the pot. I think your best bet would be to try a low capacitance cable and then decide if you still need the treble bleed.