Ipod or Sony Walkman?


New member
Hey ppl,

I'm thinking about getting an Ipod nano 8gb, though I already have a W890i walkman phone, so...

What do you guys think of the ipod? Since we're musicians, what do you think about the SOUND of the 2 when compared? Money's not important, so which do you think is better in...
-Sound? (equalizer n stuff)
-Playback? (The walkman jumps and freezes occasionally)
-Reliability? (Spoil easily n stuff?)
-Others? (You decide what to put, just DUN TALK ABOUT PRICES!)
hey. i have an ipod touch and w910i.

in my opinion, ipod is still da best. eventhough an all-in-one device is more practical.
-Sound? (equalizer n stuff)

Shouldn't be a big difference, I'm sure your earphones/headphones plays a part too.

-Playback? (The walkman jumps and freezes occasionally)
iPod is stable, 'nuff said.

-Reliability? (Spoil easily n stuff?)
Have you ever heard Apple stuff spoils easily other than from mishandling?

-Others? (You decide what to put, just DUN TALK ABOUT PRICES!)

Well, you can free up some space on your phone for maybe pictures and stuff while all the songs are in your iPod.

Conclusion: If you have the budget, go for the iPod.
i dunno actually.... the mega bass on the phone is gd... ipod i rally dont know. i think it depends on the earpiece??? im using this senheisser earpiece and it sounds great. :D
Seriously, having owned an Ipod Touch, I think Ipod is a big no-no if you want real good sound quality. :/ An Ipod might be cool and reliable, but I think their sound quality isn't good.

Being sensitive to the different frequencies responses as a musician, I think an Ipod lacks bass and no ear-piece can really solve that without using a graphic equalizer to boost the low frequencies.
i'd take the ipod for portability, looks and cool factor.

but for sound quality, sad to say the ipod is rather lacking. it is a widely known fact that the ipod's internal amplifier component is inferior and sub-par for the money you pay. other digital audio players have far better headphone outs compared to the ipod - creative, cowon etc.

still, in terms of capacity, the ipod can't be beat - 120GB is a lot of music. and i do listen to a lot of music on the go - i have my ipod running all day whilst at work, and in transit from point to point. i even use it in the car when i'm driving. i can choose whatever music i want to listen to based on my mood. but sound quality wise... i actually run an external portable headphone amp thru the ipod's dock connector when i'm using headphones / earphones.

forget about the ipod's internal equalizer - it introduces a lot of unwanted distortion into the music. some people can't pick it up, but i can hear my low end just crapping out. i lose a lot of clarity as well when the EQ is on.

so if you already have 8GB of capacity in your phone, stick to your phone. its not going to sound any worse than an ipod.
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i think phones generally have more inferior sound quality compared to PMPs that are dedicated to playing media only.

since the ipod has a line out, use it! buy an external amp and dont use the internal amp of the ipod! will definitely boost whatever is lacking in the ipod, just have to ask around for recommendations. for the frequencies that are lacking in the ipod, i just rely on my earphone and my amp to bring them out. my er6 definitely brings out the clarity in the music from my ipod (though it might take some getting used to).

but then again, its a walkman phone, i havent owned one before so i cant comment. im talking about phones with music playback vs ipod in general.
Why not Creative?

Used a Microphoto for 4 years+ (8GB) No issues so far, good playback quality too.

PS: Your headphones/ear plugs play a big part too. Cheers!
For some reason, the sound quality of creative mp3 is better than my ipod classic.. at least that's for me.
Want sound quality, get those korean brand like cowon or iriver. Want more cheaper, get the sansa fuze. I used to own the ipod and I guarantee the sansa fuze has much better sound quality. Plus it has video playback, radio, mic, and expandable micro sd slot.
mine's Sony,and LOVE IT!
it's so easy&convenient to use. you dont have to install any extra softwares and it has great sound quality.
just never can be a fan of Ipod.
iriver and cowon have good reviews, the only bad thing is that its dam hard to find locally and if you do manage to find them they are slightly overpriced. and they also dont come in large capacity (eg ipod's 120gb and such). after all, flash players do have better sound quality haha.

i use ipod cos of the capacity (160GB), line out and cos i scrobble my tracks to last.fm and so far its one of the few mp3 players that is supported by last.fm.
When you decide to buy an Apple product, it is usually about more than just the gadget, that instrument in your hands.

Usually, one would draw a parallel using the experiences with both an Apple iPod and a Sony Walkman product, as you have asked - whether to buy an iPod or stick with your Walkman but I don't want to be dismissed as another smug Apple fan here, so we shall skip it.

I guess if you are a techie, or at least know how to acquire, download or convert music (if necessary) easily without needing help from anyone - I guess you should just stick with the Walkman because the sound quality is better.

But if you are looking for a device with a multi-touch interface that provides you with an experience that enables you to listen to music, watch movies, view photos, surf the web, purchase music via iTunes seamlessly, use a Nike+iPod Sports Kit is a device which measures and records the distance and pace of a walk or run, enjoy calendar functions, access your POP/IMAP/SMTP mail, use GPS etc etc., then I'd say - get an iPod Touch. It'll be a worthwhile investment, and it is not that expensive nowadays. (That is, if you can spare a little bit of moolah, otherwise an iPod Nano will do.)

People who buy an Apple device do not just buy it because of just one aspect of it, they buy it for the holistic, wonderful experience.

It is a lifestyle thingie more than anything.

A life of user-friendliness, contemporary beauty, hassle-free and uniqueness, that is.

Here're the specifications for the iPod Nano - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipod_nano if you'd like to compare the different iPod Nano models.

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I used to be a fan of Sony Walkman MD's (Mini Discs) as i can record jam sessions with friends. I've gone through 4 (one was an Aiwa) and all died... I was against buying iPods because they seemed liked passing fads, even though i used Macs for work and home. I was also biased against mp3 format in general, thought they sound compressed, "dead+lifeless" and so forth... until...

I tried a friend's iPod and was really impressed. That was in 2004 i think. So i bought the 40GB version (monochrome screen), and quickly filled it up (9012 songs as of today!!). Its still with me now, and its alive and kicking! Need to change the battery once, 2 years ago after the original's juice went out..

Personally, i feel the sound is acceptable to me, above average, maybe graded B-. I rip my songs into AAC instead of mp3 format, i feel it sounds "better". I carry it everywhere. Play it during work, travel to and from work, during long flights, etc... To get better sound, upgrade to a better set of earphones. The in-ear ones by Sony or Panasonic ($30+) is good enough (for me). Unless of course, you want to splurge on Etymotics or Shure...

Go to an Apple store and try it out. See if its good/acceptable for you, then decide... :mrgreen:

I've not owned a Sony mp3 player before (phone or stand-alone). So i can't vouch for the quality of its sound. But if i were to rate the Sony MD's sound, it'll be A-. Definitely better than the sound of my "old iPod". Maybe because its not in "lossy" mp3 format? Ohh, and i might buy a Sony NWD-E023F soon, because its small and can play AAC format songs. The iPod is getting too big to carry around now... ;) :oops:
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so which do you think is better in...
-Sound? (equalizer n stuff)
-Playback? (The walkman jumps and freezes occasionally)
-Reliability? (Spoil easily n stuff?)
-Others? (You decide what to put, just DUN TALK ABOUT PRICES!)

1: Sony.
2: Sony, my Walkman doesn't freeze at all, but my old iPod did.
3. Still Sony.
4: The new iPod design edges out my Walkman on this one, haha. But only just!