intro: roxta

Interesting how ur attitude says i dont care with a tinge of eager to please....lolz.... :lol:

ps.welcome to the forum :twisted:
satch said:
soft is like some hormonal raging farm for boys. heh. (nt that i aint one anyway)

that is the problem. maybe i should go create a female account so that my questions on this forum get answered alot quicker and my opinions more highly valued. then put a pic of my hot gf on avatar just for authenticity.

Now saying this i wonder how many new private messages i'll be getting for me to share her pics 8)
roxta.... u'll learn to live with these kinds here.
if u see other post with girls.... u'll see the number of pages just for saying hi.... + many other lewd comments.
well well...u sure dun look 18 to me...mus be the make up magic...

anyway..welcome to SOFT..
Re: a chick in a short skirt

welcome to the forums, short skirt chick. See ya around and may you grace the cover a magazine soon!


let me just say tt i hav come to understand the males of our species n as much as i object to letting them get away with it, sadly, i hav accepted a long time ago tt MANY guys between 16 n 25 think with their d*cks....

sigh :( *recalls past experiences*

who denies it?
Roxsta generalizing is not a smart thing to do. I’m growing concern about the role models young women have in today’s society. It seems that lewdness and shallowness are being exalted while intellectualism is being looked down upon.

Dudes! any moderate looking girl with less clothes on is hot! Shes just one of them!

No offense Roxsta.
Decent blog, but the alternating font sizes and colors are a bit annoying and lian-ish. But no complaints about the pictures though.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Oh and I am older than 25. :)
Maybe Roxta could limit her generalisation of that age group to the male posters in this Forum.

*Raging hormones rules*

Btw, welcome to the Forum.

Are you involved with the local music scene at all?
Giantballz said:
Roxsta generalizing is not a smart thing to do..

perhaps i shudnt have generalized then. i take tt back. some guys r cool, some guys r horny buggers....ok?hell, the same goes for girls.

to be honest,i dun know any "young women" who exalt lewdness n shallowness. i'm sure any chick wud tell u tt she wud love to be taken seriously n respected instead of being treated like a piece of meat. (sorry if i sound like a feminist.i'm not....consider me "one of the guys")

by the way, look who's generalizing now...u mean to say tt all "young women" look down on intellectualism? if only i got a dollar for every female friend of mine tt worked her as* off to get into i personally hav a piece of paper tt says i'm doing biomed science in the 2nd top uni in australia next year so u betta take tt back.

as for ur comment on me being one of those moderate looking girls with less clothes, i completely agree. anyway i never claimed to be hot in the first place. but since u seem to think tt this thread is growing only because a couple of guys think tt i "appear to be hot", then maybe ur contradicting urself with the whole "dun generalize guys" speech.

p.s. none taken, giantballz :D