When I first heard apocalypse, I thought it was a parody of all things late 80's metal. It could easily be a 'spinal tap' track!
-thrashy open string pedal notes
-basic power chords
-mixolydian/blues harmony
-cymbal-filled double-time drumming
-octave filled solo fills
-cliched pentatonic 'box' soloing filled with cheesy unison bends
The list is endless. Keep an ear out for these things and you'll hear how poor (and lacking in inventiveness) the track is.
I think they need to get back 'into the woodshed' as it were, and start learning some more about what constitutes 'metal' today, rather than resting on their laurels, as their music is idiosyncratic of everything associated with metal from 20 years ago, since they are still working within that format.
Even St. Anger was a letdown due to the above - they were trying to do something new (heck, they even detuned to C) but it was still in the same tired old format. It's never going to sound new when conforming to an old, worn-out format.
They could detune their guitars to communicate with distant planets, and it still wouldn't sound heavy.
Then again, i'm sure certain fans will like it, since it sounds more like a return to the 'old' metallica.
Sine the black album, they haven't done very much of interest.
Someone mentioned the 'metallica legacy'. I think their legacy was the black album - this laid the groundwork (and provided many ideas) for other bands to develop - as can be heard in artists such as Korn, Killswitch, Slipknot etc.
The legacy are all the bands that have followed. No point dwelling on Metallica, really.
Oh - and the guy who was interviewing them - have you interviewed them yet? If so, please tell them this

someone needs to
