New member
Im afraid I disagree with you there. Its true that one can enhance the flavour and character of chords by embellishments, but it is also possible to bring out those embellishments by means of soloing/melody.
You can listen to Shredcow's clip posted earlier - and notice how be brings out the #4 in the 3rd take - for the lydian mode. Same bass line, same drum beat, no fancy chords!
What you say is partially true - It is definitely great to know all the chords in your chord vocabulary, but a lot of great melodies were written and are being written over simple major/minor chords.
However yes - bringing out the feel of a song by soloing 'intelligently' over embellished chords - really an Allan holdsworth thing - a good, but advanced exersise
Im afraid I disagree with you there. Its true that one can enhance the flavour and character of chords by embellishments, but it is also possible to bring out those embellishments by means of soloing/melody.
You can listen to Shredcow's clip posted earlier - and notice how be brings out the #4 in the 3rd take - for the lydian mode. Same bass line, same drum beat, no fancy chords!
What you say is partially true - It is definitely great to know all the chords in your chord vocabulary, but a lot of great melodies were written and are being written over simple major/minor chords.

However yes - bringing out the feel of a song by soloing 'intelligently' over embellished chords - really an Allan holdsworth thing - a good, but advanced exersise