inhumane baby seal hunt

my goodness....what has happened to this thread man

i only wanted to discuss about animal cruelty and their rights....not religion or slitting the throat or stuff like that

seriously guys...knock it off...its not making everybody's day...

diversity is goot.

if everyone is just the same and agrees on everything... this forum will suck goat balls like how my bro aging youth would say.
crazy assed seal killing...there's definitely more better ways to kill seals...and let the baby seals live...kill the bigger ones...u get better fur outta them too...f**k these people...i dun care if its tradition...its already heartless to go whacking these animals in the head....

would u like it if i suddenly jump out behind u while u struggle away and whack u with a pipe till u cnt breath properly?

thats really just inhumane....go whack those rapists in their own countries with clubs...that would be a better way to improve society...
so you go for the weak defenceless ones? COWARDS... :x
how would you like fo me to kill yo kid?! bash him wit a baseball bat til his brain dont work no mo.
those ppl are just cruel and heartless...
I stick by my point. You're just outraged because it's a cute and cuddly baby seal. My point is that your outrage is blinding you from a more logical point of view, lol.
and to df: the point is that you eat to stay alive. for you to eat, something else has to die. every action you make results in something dying. Your plonking your butt down on your chair squashes millions of poor defenceless bacteria on the chair. inconsequential? watch it bub, those bacteria are still alive and you still killed them. I'm not advocating a cavalier attitude towards life. rather that to object to killing an animal for its meat is hypocritical considering your circumstance as a human being. If you're so worried about cruelty, the only way to avoid any form of cruelty is to sit in your room and starve.
by the way, don't wear clothes either. The plant had to die to give the cotton for your t-shirt. *see my point?*
ixora: the outrage here stems from the unnecessarily painful and inordinately brutal way with which the seals were killed.
quite simple to understand rite?
i dont feel so much pain if adult seals were killed... well they lived a life...
but these guys... so much more to see... to learn.
plus as vaiyen said it... it's brutal... we have consciences... those guys apparently don't feel it... the bacteria we kill... i dont think we have much of a choice do we... but those fur coats.. heck we do have a choice...
yea and its not as if that seals were the last thing on earth so we had to club them to death and eat them right? they were hunting for fur and pleasure..i mean for goodness sake eat chicken or something why seals?
Its almost like... Seals = human.

You guys better draw a line here... animal not the same as human. While it was a cruel thing to do, I kind of think we get overly emotional over it.

You mistreat your sister? Your brother? You lie and cheat? You fight? You climb the ladder while pushing a fellow human down? You hurt others?

I think there are more important things than argueing over a seal. Or a chicken. Or a goat. Or an animal.

Bother about your fellow humans first, is something to reflect on we must.

I realised I sound so serious here, haha, okay, but I'm going to post it anyway.
chickens don't exactly do well in constantly cold weather.
oh well. this discussion is really just going around and around in circles, no point flogging a dead horse.
as for unnecessarily painful and brutal way, like I said, it is not because you kill the baby seal in that way, vaiyen. you are all outraged because it is a cute, cuddly widdle baby seal. if the animal in question was a snake, a crocodile or bees or wasps, the outrage won't be there. my response was to those who protested the killing of the seals and then went on to protest the killing of vegetables, for goodness' sake.
no point posting this already *starts looking for admin* lock lock!
w t f.. personal opinion, if the animal is going to be killed for food, why worry so much whether it feel pain or not. the death is not going to waste. if it feels pain, probably doesnt last very long.of course u don become an ass hole and chop off the limbs first then the head la, that is evil. you'd think lions discuss among themselves the most painless way to kill a deer?
sofyan: now you're comparing us to lions? must you degrade us so? As humans, as creatures of higher wisdom and capacity, I believe it is our duty to safeguard the planet, and ensure weaker, helpless creatures are never mistreated.
If not, wth is our brains and our conscience for?
ixora05 said:
you are all outraged because it is a cute, cuddly widdle baby seal. if the animal in question was a snake, a crocodile or bees or wasps, the outrage won't be there.

No. don't pretend to know what I think. that is just being presumptous and obnoxious.
shredcow: I'm pretty sure the pple here would also raise a ruckus if it was a person being mistreated. dont worry about it. I'd like to think that most pple have the capacity to feel for their fellow species.
Just that this is a seals-abuse thread so naturally we didnt talk abt human-abuse here.
personally dun get worked up..but think about the cruelty of killing these animals...just look at it...*whack* *whack* and i even think its killing in excess...seriously,yes we need food...and yes we need to kill to get food...but there are other ways to kill rather than just coming and whacking them...and its not about them being cute...coz even cute things die...but its the idea of whacking the head of these animals...and they are stuggling to run away...

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