inhumane baby seal hunt

killing for food. don't humans and lions do that? i never said we don need to give a shit about creatures being mistreated. i said that if an animal is going to be killed for food, pain is probably unavoidable. thats not mistreating is it? you're not killing it for nothing. what we can do is find the fastest way of putting them out of their misery.
yeah gotta agree on that...but the way of the killing...definitely there's better ways rite? i'm not sayin "ooooh! dun kill them" by any sakes kill to survive...but do it in a more humane way...tranq. gun them down..and bring them back...and cut or something...well, its gonna cost something..but its just a humane way...just my opinion...
Vaiyen said:
No. don't pretend to know what I think. that is just being presumptous and obnoxious.

what is presumptuous and obnoxious is sitting comfortably in front of your computer passing judgment on something that you cannot ascertain for sure.
as I've said, I stick by what I've posted and I believe it's time to stop feeding the troll. *bows out* I'm not interested in picking a fight and my points can stand for themselves.
you boys have fun now ((:
ixora05 said:
what is presumptuous and obnoxious is sitting comfortably in front of your computer passing judgment on something that you cannot ascertain for sure.

Precisely what I mean.
sofyan said:
killing for food. don't humans and lions do that? i never said we don need to give a shit about creatures being mistreated. i said that if an animal is going to be killed for food, pain is probably unavoidable. thats not mistreating is it? you're not killing it for nothing. what we can do is find the fastest way of putting them out of their misery.

Killing for food and killing for fun are too whole different matters and I don't think the first post's link was for food...if it bad.
im ok wif them killing the seals, if it kills it in one blow, so they wont feel much pain. bt that scene, where the seal was like still alive n clearly in pain, is totally inhumane.
AEnimic said:
but think about the cruelty of killing these animals...
yes we need food...and yes we need to kill to get food...but there are other ways to kill rather than just coming and whacking them...and its not about them being cute...coz even cute things die...but its the idea of whacking the head of these animals...and they are stuggling to run away...

i agree.
but anyway, this thread is getting so outta point..
every1's entitled to thier own opinion yah?
F*$K! everyone's arguing...

ok..the next person who starts a thread abt some abuse or wadeva killing of animals or wad not...

will get his/her head beaten to a pulp with a baseball bat!
i agree with u vegecrackers..

but does it matter??

apparently some dont have the empathy for the animals.. :roll:

and they impose their views on others.

I could not stop laughing reading this

when they cut the veins in the neck..the lamb dies la..the seal part..hitting the seals over and over again..they islam..before they sacrifice the lamb..they recite prayers..

offtopic...but i get mad when people use the word sacrifice.....Biologically iam a hindu...this so called sacrifice practice is there in Hinduism also....But i oppose ne thing which doesnot look logical

My question to those ppl who say they r giving sacrifice is.....who the hell are you to give others life as sacrifice.....GOD ( if any) is the creator of the universe...he/she/it has control over everything.....and is the ultimate power....Allah,Jesus or ( oops in Hinduism we have too many gods to name) will not be pleased if u offer ne thing...( by the why dont u kill ur self and offer ur self...why to kill others...tht doesnot look like a sacrifice?)....because evrything belongs to them....THE ONLY THING U CAN OFFER ( SACRIFICE) IS U....BUT MIND U U TOO BELONG TO GOD....


Religions were CREATED by people that people will be good atleast if they have a fear of god....use it for constructive purpose only...and dont be obsessed by it and link evey damn thing with it

" I used to be an atheist until I realised Iam the GOD "
i sometimes go to the hawker centre at kallang bahru, the one with a NTUC. there's this old lady who will quickly pick up food leftover by eaters. she has some containers to put the leftovers into.

i don't know how many of us here actually had to pick up food from the streets.

after i send my family to the ntuc upstairs, i went down to the hawker center and gave the old lady some money. hope that she can buy something she need.

there's also this other old lady selling used stuff along the corridor. her hands/legs were amputated. i bought some paper planes from her for my newphew.

look around us, there are alot of people we can help. just dont walk pass and thinking that someone else will help.

the video should make us wake up and be a better person, not argue who should do what and who should not do what.

it should be "I will do good from now on".
james, you are one in a million... speaking of old people, my heart always breaks when i see those old ladies going from table to table in hawker centres or by a corner selling tissue paper. some of them look to be 70+ or even 80. i always make it a point to buy a few packs from them, and always ask them to keep the change. you can see the clear look of gratitude on their faces, and that is enough to make my day. thanks james for the reminder to all of us :wink:
ur a different adult james.a contrary to the picture the general adults have painted in my head. generalising.but hey..wad a nice way to start my day.

ps.i juz woke up.
kid_slacker said:
F*$K! everyone's arguing...

ok..the next person who starts a thread abt some abuse or wadeva killing of animals or wad not...

will get his/her head beaten to a pulp with a baseball bat!

Odd, considering a certain someone instigated all this in the first place. 8)

Ok, bottom line is;

1. There's no clear distinction of what's right or wrong; i.e. tradition vs. moral values? Who's gonna be the judge?

Like what vahsu said, who the hell are we to say what's right or wrong? We didn't create animals with our own hands.

2. There's nothing wrong with killing for food. There's something wayyy wrong with killing for fun.

3. Everyone is entitled to their own intelligent opinions on this matter. If you really feel so strongly against killing stuff it and go be a vegan.

Closing statements and it's time to forget about this and move on people.

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