inhumane baby seal hunt

i think it dad took me there to eat it too.

poor froggies....seeing them sitting in the glass tank and ending up in a pot of dark sauce some time later..

they tasted like chicken

yeah right... haha cut throat vein will not hurt. try cutting yourself... burst a pimple already so painful... don't talk about an entire vein
Vaiyen said:
but i suppose veggies dont feel pain. and they are not sentient, like a creature with a brain.

But that's just an's like, you think teddy bears don't feel anything when you chokeslam them again and again...but who knows?
zzz. When u cut the veins, the animal to feel the pain u tell me=.=..and its okay to do that because that is sacrificing and with reciting the prayers... unlike hitting seals without prayers..=.=
ahmad0410 said:
zzz. When u cut the veins, the animal to feel the pain u tell me=.=..and its okay to do that because that is sacrificing and with reciting the prayers... unlike hitting seals without prayers..=.=

You're missing his point. He's posing this question; just because you say a couple of prayers before you kill the animal, does it make it any better? So if I say prayers for a seal before bonking it over the head, everything becomes fine and dandy?

p.s. try cutting your veins. Do you feel pain? Do you die on the spot? I'd like to find out.
so which one is more important--the Inuit way of life or the life of the baby seals?
tell me one thing--would you be so righteously outraged if it's not something cute and adorable?
no one is outraged when crocodiles and snakes are slaughtered for their skin, cos they're not cuddly. more are frightened of them than those who care for their welfare.
the thing is that for these people they do not kill the seals indiscriminately. it is their way of life and they kill what they need. get your facts right before getting angry.
Greenpeace virtually destroyed the Inuit way of life when they got seal-hunting outlawed and banned back in the 1980s-1990s. The heart of the Inuit culture is dying out because of Greenpeace.
But the baby seals (which are in more danger from habitat erosion and global warming caused by your demand for energy and fuel than the seal hunters) were 'saved'. So I guess it's 'okay.'
kid_slacker said:
erm..i tink ahmad..u mean nerve not vein..

I'd like to see how you're gonna cut through enough nerves to stop the animal from feeling any pain during the slaughter.
i dunno but maybe it depends on which vein you cut? Like say if you cut your aorta (ok thts an artery) you'll die way faster than if you were to cut a vein on your wrist. Therefore cut main artery = instant death fer animal?
But whatever the case, i still think it'll hurt the poor thing :(
it might hurt them yes, but i still need my meat (:
it's the way those seals were clobbered.. so sad.. but you've got a point about the snakes & crocs
u guys dont seem to understand my words eh :?

1)Saying prayers means they are doing this in the name of God and not meant to hurt the animal until it dies.

2)Dont compare humans to animals. I'm saying when they cut the veins or nerves or whatever they call it, the animal will die immediately and not suffer, unlike hitting the seal with a stick and let it die slowly.

pls get my words. :wink:

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