I Need serious help... BOOTTEEK AND PEDAL TALK

I think you might want to look at upgrading your amp first.

Keeley drive pedals, as far as I've heard and talked to a few other people, seem to work best with tube amps.

I think Randolf would be good to talk to. At the very least, you can explain what you want and see if he can do it for you.
Re: yupp

j_m_s said:
yeh, i've been toking 2 tt guy... hell of a genius... mann i wanna learn 2 buikld pedals

come come learn with me. I'll be making my first AB switcher next week. hur hur so fun!
lol... soldering iron hav... 30w one... then the whatever meter also hav but kinda faulty... money haha how much?
hello, can anyone help me?

i am looking for a distortion unit that can handle hard rock and metal.

deciding between the MI crunchbox, subdecay blackstar, or a blackstone.
need opinions, greatly appreciated!
lol i wanna learn how to build... errrrr aiya just how to fix my chorus/flanger pedal la. haha all the gear *tools is i kope frm my dad one la =)
Fixing pedals isn't a thing for inexperienced moddhistans like us. You wanna risk ruining your pedal while repairing it?
haha... can make this kind? the bypass looper one=)