I Need serious help... BOOTTEEK AND PEDAL TALK


New member
Can u guys recommend me some dist,od,comps and boards? My board is getting small alr. Thanks man. and wad pedals do i use to get the violin like sound? Where to get analog man ds-1?
recommend him the most expensive stuff. violin sound, if you're really really really really good, you can learn to do it by controlling your volume knob.

big hole in pocket alr expected. haha. ow gd are randolf mods compared 2 keeley? erm whats analogman webby? cuz randolfs prices are ver low! compared to Mr.Robert Keeley. Erm e ds-1 seeing eye keeley mod was dissapointing. Lacked a punch. any more punchier pedals to rec me?

I play mostly funk,blues,rock,christian rock, worship, gospel n etc. i got a fender frontman 15g amp, a fender standard strat hss with 2 virtual vintage 2.1 pups in neck and middle and a ev02 in bridge, i now have a 535q,dd6,planetwaves pedal tuner,mij bf2, marshall sv1 chorus
first of all, what is your reason for buying boutique pedals?
im not trying to be a wet blanket here, but i know of alot of people who went all out to purchase high end equipments, and in the end only to let them collect dust in the corner of their room.
there are actually lots of good boss pedals that do the job but cost much lesser than your average boutique range.
i seriously think most of the boutique ranges out there are too over-rated, its just like a pair giordano jeans VS dior homme jeans. if you are a runway model, i bet you will look great in either pair. but if you are just a slob, then dont even bother. even a custom pair of martin margiela pants wouldnt be able to save you. the same theory applies to guitar playing.
but hey, if you got tons of money to burn or you are such a fanatic collector, then be my guest and go purchase all the top range pedals out there. seriously, does a boutique pedal really enhances your playing?

* j_m_s, this reply is not targeted at you. but please do think twice and go test those effects more than twice before you part your or your parents' money for it.

Its true but i've found some nice boutique pedals that i like the tone of. and some of those tones cant be found on STOCk pedals. like the keeley mods. its the same thing. and ps. my parents are not gna sponsor me anitin anymore. i use my hard saved pocket money. 3,50 a day. so i take my time to do my research befor i buy anytin. i also advise evryone out there not to buy anything on impulse or becoz someone uses it. BUT IT ONLY IF YOU LIKE IT AND CAN AFFORD IT. if you r not a gigging guitarist, dont bother getting boutique as only u r gna hear urself. but me at 13 yrs... i gig alr. hahax
me don't think the giordano jeans VS dior homme jeans is a good analogy to boutique pedals...

Its not a brand thing.

But you do your thing ... I'll do mine... stock didn't do it for me so i had to turn somewhere else.

Btw, yes, getting different gear, in my case booteek stuff, did help with my playing, though YMMV... and in no way will gear turn you into a virtuso.

Anyway, j_m_s, in your current situation... methinks you should start by going to Randolf's place (if he is still as free...) with a stock DS1/SD1/OD3/BD2 and a/b the stock pedals with his mods. That would open your eyes to some things.
I reckon knowing some things first would prove more helpful in your search for your tone, because, as it stands, you don't know what you want yet.
Malmsteen kinda volin tone? Brian May kind? Van Halen Cathedal kind? hmm...

i dun remember any of these guys usin boutique pedals to get their tone..

Malmsteen maybe a delay?
Brian maybe his weird guitar n pickups?
i'm pretty sure EVH used his volume knob..
relient k kinda tone. i know what i want alr. serious in yor face dist. i'll probably do a monte allums rectifier mod on my ds-1 if i buy one. btw anymre recommendations? i got an upcomming gig and i dont have a dist or od pedal, just sold my keeley seeing eye ds-1 and stock reissue ts9dx a few weeks back.
j_m_s alot of the band's tone comes from the amp, that kind of heavy crunch in your face distortion usually is from the amp itself. Haven heard a pedal that can truly go a good amp crunch.