Uncle Davis now so much better really. Last time in school uniform we walk in immediately we would be chased out. Haha the good ol' days of service~ Swee Lee wasn't as friendly to uniformers either...
Music Theme, ah now that is one shop with an uncle that should wake up his idea. I guess their young staffers are ok, the uncle whom I believe is a partner, really has no respect for a musician wanting to try out an instrument.
I get stared at alot when I do go into Guitar Connection, usually with a friend who wants to cause I don't like to go in if i don't have to. They haven't chased me out yet but the stares are not nice.
If you wanna try really no limit, just check it out and if you don't feel its right, just put it back. Don't spend 1hour playing your broken Stairway intro then say nah its ok thanks I don't like single coil.
Once me and a friend spent 2 hours at blackwood blasting pedals. They closed late for us and they didn't chase us out at all. In fact we may have peaked interest on the pedals we were trying with other walk in shoppers. That was a cool evening.
Oh and CIJ Fender Teles? Awesome stuff for their value. My Tele has a CIJ rounded V chunky neck that I like alot~ Check out the Paisley Tele that's at Music theme. 1.1k i think, and a lovely guitar. Too bad the uncle rather switch off my amp then let me think about purchasing it.