I feel sad for my generation (Read pls)

serialninja said:
man, i really miss the 80s.

I agree. Even the cheesy Ah Beng Modern Talking actually sounds good if you put next to some of the garbage they call techno music these days.
yeah bon jovi definetly arent the best of the 80's. sure they got a few tolerable songs but the rest are pretty shitty. and i hate how they are called metal. thats bullshit. they arent metal. 80's was where real metal ruled with metallica, megadeth and slayer. thats the best of the 80s. then grunge and nirvana came along, killing most of metal cept the big 3.
are you guys dense? that post of mine was being sarcastic.

i can't even believe someone started a thread to whine about feeling sad for their generation. that's pathetic.
serialninja said:
are you guys dense? that post of mine was being sarcastic.

i can't even believe someone started a thread to whine about feeling sad for their generation. that's pathetic.

aiya.. just listen to what you like loh.. if u like older stuff.. den go listen to them.. if u like stuff nowadays.. oso go listen.. no use complainin oso.. peace out la guys chill! 8)
serialninja said:
oooh. i'm so sad, i'm living in the 80s and music today totally sucks! i wish we could go back in time, when music was good.

hmmmm....it seem u a little narrow minded....since u like 80s generation music,may i asked abt how u felt abt ur adult kind of music,like the 60s and 70s....i mean come on....u don expect diff generation to hear the same kind of music as the generation before them...even instrument is upgrade into better one every year....i do also luv the 80s and miss it alot.......just remember this,without the past generation,they wont be the next generation
"shout through the heart and you're to blame
baby you give love a bad name"

~ GUITAR . . . :partyman:
Music evolves, every era has its names.

Can't really compare coz our music tastes are slowly shifting.

We bring with us fond memories of old bands when the era's change... till now, we still love Deep Purple, Led Zep, Dire St, ACDC, Thin Lizzy, Queen, Pink Floyd....etc

But the 90s to 2000s arn't that bad really! There is 2 things which I loved...which is Alternative and Emo Rock!!

The first being so new and fresh... I fell in love immediately with Smashing Pumpkins and Radiohead (among other things). Then there is EMO, if you don't like Simple Plan, try some other bands like Weezer, The Used, Get Up kids...etc Its surprising how simple and yet powerful their songs are.

And if you're that type of underground lover, I'm sure the 90s to 2000s+ is a great time for progressive music. Look how far it went from Pink Floyd prog. rock era to Queens to Dream Theater.... Killer Licks, fancy chords and odd rythmns!!

of course...then there's the retro bands ala "The Darkness" haha
gear_lover said:
serialninja said:
oooh. i'm so sad, i'm living in the 80s and music today totally sucks! i wish we could go back in time, when music was good.

hmmmm....it seem u a little narrow minded....since u like 80s generation music,may i asked abt how u felt abt ur adult kind of music,like the 60s and 70s....i mean come on....u don expect diff generation to hear the same kind of music as the generation before them...even instrument is upgrade into better one every year....i do also luv the 80s and miss it alot.......just remember this,without the past generation,they wont be the next generation

omg. dude, it was meant as sarcasm. i can't deal with 80s music. i hate retro night at clubs, it sucks. i'd much rather listen to The Who (who happen to really rock.)

Yes! THE WHO....Roger Daltrey, Pete Townshend, Keith Moon & John Entwistle ....Rock Opera Tommy.....starring Ann Margaret, Roger Daltry, Tina Turner, Eric Clapton, etc.

See Me, Feel Me, Touch Me..Listening To You....I Get The Music....Gazing At You....I'd Climb A Mountain At Your Feet!

Baba O'Riley....Teenage Wasteland....Only Teenage Wasteland!

Tommy can you hear me? I'm Free......Freedom! Takes Over Reality....

People Try To Put Us Down! ....Talking Bout' My Generation!....
I'd Die Before I Get Old!


I will be DJing and experimenting at this new country
club every Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 6.00pm
to 10.30pm

DJ Repertoire Rock, Blues, Retro & Indies
Expect Led Zep, The Who, Blind Faith, Pink Floyd, Jackson Browne, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sinead O'Connor, Kate Bush, etc

Variety of 'Live' bands to be scheduled sometime mid
January 2005 every Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays.

The Piccadilly Wine Bar (500 pax capacity)
Mornington Country Club
Mornington Crescent, Seletar
(Enter through Seletar & then through Piccadilly Road)

E-Mail Event Organizer at bionic_w2002@yahoo.com
It's just ....generation gaps, I guest. :D It’s nothing new to me as I heard my daddy grumble about the Modern music since I was 8 years old.

just make sure u dont grumble to the music that ur son listens to in the future :lol:

Gone are the glorious of old school or 80's bands, but we can still support the ones who are still survived or try to survive. Like Aerosmith, Bonjovi( although they currantly play crappy ballads), Velvet revolver, metallica.........etc

Well, if u really wanna blame u can blame on Nirvana... they started it :twisted:
i dont think u can should blame nirvana. they actually saved the world from bon jovi. and dont 4get metallica were at their top in popularity around that era*although maybe not the best). besides, megadeth and slayer were also growing. nirvana are innovators. i think they have very distinct punk and metal imfluences in their music. however after a while they do get boring. they weren't metal enuf for me at least.
My dad told me led zep could not come here due to long hair. Policy goes that people with long hair will be served last, etc etc, in other words treated like 2nd class citizens, or maybe worse.
Did not asked him, but judging that he likes Deep Purple, Grandfunk railroad, it wun be a surprise that he'll know some stuff abt led zep.
nirvana was good. the only problem being that nirvana was so promoted by MTV culture at that time. Up till today there are people who think Kurt Cobain is a great guitarist of the times. No offence, but I think we can have better great guitarists.

he's more of a good songwriter.
thor666 said:
Up till today there are people who think Kurt Cobain is a great guitarist of the times. No offence, but I think we can have better great guitarists.

he's more of a good songwriter.

certainly. im not a guitarist but im pretty sure he aint that good skill-wise. but he definetly is a great songwriter.
lars_ulrich said:
thor666 said:
Up till today there are people who think Kurt Cobain is a great guitarist of the times. No offence, but I think we can have better great guitarists.

he's more of a good songwriter.

certainly. im not a guitarist but im pretty sure he aint that good skill-wise. but he definetly is a great songwriter.

BINGO That is what I mean. The existence of Nirvana changed the whole rock scene. They proved that u dont need to be that skillfull in order to be a rocksar, u need to be inovative and creative. It changed the mindset of a lotta people who plays music towards the rock scene and thats where u have simple plan. the calling, hoobustank hanging around now adays.

And thats wher eit all changed men. Maybe u din realized it, its kinda like an evolution. Therefore i still think we should blame NIRVANA hehe :lol: