...Most importantly, make sure the strings are stretched. There WILL come a point when the strings no longer stretch, and that would probably be a couple of weeks AFTER you restring the guitar with regular playing....
Actually, if you know how to do it right, you don't need to wait weeks for the strings to fully stretch.
A simple method to get strings stretched would be to...
1) Remove all strings
2) Get ready some acrobatic moves
3) Stick in the low E string, string it up so 1 string is holding the trem in place (usually 1 spring is enough for now). Don't over tighten but if you can, tighten till maybe an F# note
4) Flip gtr over and install the rest of the trem springs
5) Carry on restringing
This ensures each string gets stretched
during the restringing process.
Might sound tough especially if you are uncertain about how the FR system works - meaning you don't know how to manipulate spring/string tension to get perfect float. I've been doing this for years now and upon completed restringing and perfect float attained, I just play a little, do some bends.. like for 5 mins, retune up if necessary, repeat one more then, retune, lock. Don't have to unlock for 1 month or till next string change.