How to force oil prices down.


New member
Got this from a friend of mine and I think it does make sense.

Just pass it on and see if it really works.

DOWN TO US$2.00 PER GALLON (conversion to SingDollar pls) BY JUST FORWARDING THIS EMAIL TO 10 PEOPLE !!!

This idea was written out by a retired Coca Cola Executive. It came from one of his engineer buddies who retired from Halliburton, an oil exploration
company in U.S. If you are tired of the gasoline price is going up and up, AND it will continue to rise, take time to read this please.

Mr Phillip Hollsworth offered his good idea. This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the 'don't buy gasoline on a certain day' campaign that was going around last
year April or May! It's worth your effort to join the campaign !!!!

I heard that price of petrol going to hit close to US$ 4.00 a gallon by next summer, and it might go up higher !

YOU want gasoline prices to come down ?

All we need to do is we must take some intelligent, UNITED ACTION NOW.

The oil companies laughed at us on last year 'Don't Buy Petrol For One day Campaign' because they knew we wouldn't continue to 'hurt' ourselves by refusing to
buy gasoline. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem to the oil companies. This time is different, consumers have the power to bring down
the price of goods !!! This is a plan that can really work. Please read on and join us!

You're probably thinking that gasoline priced at about US$2.00/gallon is normal due to oil price has hit all time high of US$120/barrel !!!

The oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the only way for the gasoline price is up, medias reporting brisk car sales
in China and India, power hungry nations building more power plants to grow their economy, the growth of dragon(China) and elephant(India) will gobble up most
of the world resources; oil reserve going down and depleting in 50 years time, this is how we are being conditioned(brain washed)

NOW we need to act together to show them(oil companies and OPEC) that BUYERS can control the marketplace...not sellers.

The only way we are going to see the price of gas coming down to a reasonable level is if we hit oil companies' revenue by not buying their products!
And, we can do it WITHOUT hurting ourselves.

How? Since many of us owned and rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying gasoline!!!!

But we CAN have an impact on gas price if we all act together to force a price war among the oil companies!!!

Here's the idea: For the rest of this year, DON'T buy gasoline from the two biggest companies, EXXON-MOBIL and SHELL, some car owners being brain washed to use a
particular brand of petrol in order to keep their car engines in tip top condition which is not true, any brand ! will wor k well for your cars, you can reconfirm this if you have a friend who is a petroleum engineer, If not, just fill up your tank with another brand which you never used before to confirm it.

When the oil companies that we are boycotting are not selling any gas for a week, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the
other companies will have to follow suit; oil companies work like a cartel !!!!

To have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Exxon-Mobil and SHELL gas buyers.. In the past, it was an uphill task but now, it's really simple to
reach millions even billions of people. Keep reading and I will show you how to do it through the power of internet.

I am sending this note to 30 people. If each of us send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300) ... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x10
=3,000)... and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth group of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers. If those three million get
excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted!

If it goes one level further, you guessed it.....THREE HUNDRED MILLIONs PEOPLE!!! This 300 millions people just email this to 5 of his/her contacts, we reached
1.5 billions people !!!

Are you excited as I am ? all you have to do is send this to 10 people or more if you can, its so simple, isn't it? Just Do it ! OK ???

(If you don't understand how we can reach 1500 MILLIONS people and all you have to do is send this to 10 people.

How long would all this take? If each of us sends this e- mail out to ten or more people within one day of receipt, all 1500 MILLIONs people could be
contacted within the next 9 days !!!

I'll bet you didn't think you and I had so much power, did you! Acting together we can make a difference.

If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on. I suggest that we don't buy from EXXON-MOBIL and SHELL UNTIL THEY LOWER THEIR PRICES AND KEEP THEM DOWN. THIS CAN REALLY WORK.

Thank you
Yes, it is true they work like a cartel, being oligopolies..

BUT.. Imagine the impact it will create for those working for those 2 companies.. Revenue lost leads to LOSS of jobs..
These will lead to these unemployed people having no income to spend on other industries, which will then go broke, and cause more unemployment..
According to Keynes, this is the multiplier effect, and I doubt we would want that to happen..

At the end of the day, there'll be loss of welfare for everyone.. It's a lose-lose situation..

I don't think oil prices are ever going to come down.. It is a completely inelastic supply, meaning if we run out, that is it you see.. No more oil.. As supply remains fixed, and demand continuously increases, what you get is an increase in price, or should I say, constant increase in price..

Best thing to do is to find new alternative energy sources, not corn oil (too much negative externalities in that).. While corn oil is certainly more environmental friendly, and very efficient (60-80% of oil), the cost of it is too large.. Forests are being cleared to grow corn, and the carbon dioxide absorbed by these corn is waaaaaaayyyy smaller than those absorbed by the cleared forest, hence contributing more carbon content in the air and a deterioration in the climate change.. Out of the frying pan, into the fire..

Once we find something as good as oil, oil can become a substitute.. Like Coke and Pepsi, if one decreases in price, the other is hardly purchased.. So the new alternative energy would spread like wild fire, and people would be glad to consume it instead of oil.. That is when the cost of oil decreases: when the demand stops increasing or even decrease.. :mrgreen::mrgreen:

2cents worth!
How about doing sensible things like:

Taking public transportation

Implementing proper urban planning to reduce sprawl that forces increased car usage

Moving away from SUVs to fuel efficient cars

And the loads others instead? Playing around with demand and supply doesn't solve the root problem.
Not for me, man. Taking it now and it's the least favourite subject of mine. But yeah in any case, it wouldn't affect us that badly if we simply downgrade to public transportation or better yet, bikes. But who am i to say, i'm a student.
well, there's always alternative fuel coming up these days like CNG and biofuel.

hell, i guess the whole world gotta shit more to produce more fuel! if we can come up with newater, why not?
Hmm how interesting. Im in Amsterdam now and the unions are all organising strikes and road closures because of the intended petrol increase in July.I can't get a freaking cab!

That coca cola guy's method makes more sense.
well, there's always alternative fuel coming up these days like CNG and biofuel.

But biofuel has its consequences.. Like I stated it my post, those farmers jump at every opportunity to make profit..

Deforestation is occurring at a faster rate so that they can grow crops like ethanol.. Or crops are being reverted from food to fuel, thus the other problem we face today; rising food prices..

And like I've mentioned, these crops like corn really hardly absorb carbon dioxide from the air.. So this results in more carbon content in the air, and result to a worse greenhouse effect.. At the end of the day, in the pursuit of cleaner fuel, we are killing the earth we live in.. And in the pursuit of an alternative energy source, we are accelerating the fact that soon, there is no way to consume that alternative energy anymore when the world dies..
Yeah, I'm boycotting Esso and Shell.

I only pump caltex

I think it is dumb to boycott Shell..

First and foremost, they are the leading oil company in Going Green..
Shouldn't we give applause that they are trying their best to reduce the effects of climate change?
While other companies are busy making profits, Shell is busy making an existing future.. They have many ads, like "Say no to NO (nitrogen oxide)", "People say we don't care because we're an oil company, but we believe we're an oil company, that's why we care" (or something like that)..

I may seem pro-Shell, cause many people I know (my father including) works at Pulau Bukom.. But the truth is it's more of my own standpoint..
yes, Godspeed64. i know of such limitations in alternative fuel. CNG itself isnt strong to power a normal engine and found in limited supply (3 pump stations in s'pore!). that's why there's technology present to come up with newer innovations, though i'm not too sure hor far it can help.

and i always pump at esso! does that make me a bad person!??! =(
Actually it'll take a lot more than a boycott by consumers to have the kind of adverse impact on the oil companies. What the boycott aims to do is just to make oil companies realise that they can't continue to screw around with consumers. It'll make them realise that they can't continue to operate like a cartel thinking that consumers are just price takers. They'll have to price pump prices that's more reflective of the actual demand and supply forces thats operating in the market.
you all boycott, they can tahan one day mah.. :/
at most see who can tahan longer only.

read about tahan-ing over at another forum. interesting idea though this boycott thing.
cars boycott no use, you also have to stop all taxi and bus drivers from working, and make sure airlines and shipping lines follow your plan also. you also got to make sure everybody stops using electricity, because unlike australia which uses coal, singapore power plants are run on oil derivatives. gasoline is only ONE of the many products obtained from CRUDE OIL. people don't trade in GASOLINE, they trade in CRUDE OIL.

the solution to this problem is simple, but difficult to achieve: restore investors' confidence in shares. unless confidence in the stock market returns, investors will continue trading commodities

there is nothing wrong with trying to apply economic theory to real life situations. but economics is a wide subject, and people read economics at doctorate level only to be proficient in a particular niche of the subject. so before you attempt to apply your concepts, you have to make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew, and maybe stay away from specialized areas such as politics and FINANCE
Most of the world's supply of oil comes from the world's most volatile region, in addition, oil prices have become a political tool for many anti-govt entities, so there is no doubt that politics have indeed affected the price of oil

Economic concepts works on the assumption of 'ceteris paribus'. Unfortunately , this is not so in the real world. There is a limit to how much you can deduce just from economic theory alone.

for the record, i did not acknowledge that the idea works.
well what can i say, i'm surpised you took offence at what i said previously
Perhaps , you could heed the advice of godspeed64 and post something constructive to contribute to the discussion throwing around snide remarks instead of substantiating your 1 liner claims. Surely this isnt all you got to show after 6 years of economics studies?