How to force oil prices down.

Take MRT or Bus.

That's as good as succumbing without a fight to an entity trying to govern your life.

Who knows? The next time when there's over crowding on the trains, the government might control your commuting times by forcing time staggering.

Better stop here before we give them anymore pesky ideas to implement.
well, the rise in erp and misc car related expenses, isnt it somehow encouraging less petrol consumption?

There are new MRT and LRT lines coming up to tackle the transport issue, but perhaps not soon enough to restore the public faith in public transport.
because unlike australia which uses coal, singapore power plants are run on oil derivatives. gasoline is only ONE of the many products obtained from CRUDE OIL. people don't trade in GASOLINE, they trade in CRUDE OIL.

Exactly. So boycotting isn't a real solution. In fact that is really no solution for oil prices. Oil is a commodity that is limited. Eventually we are gonna run out of it. In fact, if we keep the price low, we end up using more of it, and the commodity depletes faster.

The real solution is to look into alternatives. Take a look at the real demand here: it's not just about oil we are seeking. It is all about ENERGY. As seen by what Shinobu mentioned about Australia, oil is not the only source of energy that is available to us. In fact, the earth itself has a vast amount of energy forms just waiting to be tapped from its belly.

Problem is that, despite the mind bending pace that the modern world is developing, the development of energy related technology is alarmingly slow and unpopular. Once in a while, we hear it in the news: a car made to run using electricity, all-solar powered house and the likes. It has been happening for years, but we have yet to hear of that car becoming traffic, or that house turning into homes; that singular brilliant invention never became a significant collective asset.

I hazard to believe that we could have had the technology to harness energy from lightning or a pile of rubbish by now, seeing the vast amount of energy that could be tapped them; if more energy and thoughts has been invested into the RESEARCH to look into how to tap these alternative, cleaner and FREE energy sources. Sadly, we found more interest to focus our mental and physical energy to make the next version of IPods and PSPs (both of which I proudly do not want to own).

I have thinking about this for years now, and I find that it gets more and more appalling with each passing year that nothing significant came out of this.
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hmmi got that email too..

honestly i dont take bus, cabs, bike, or anything that consumes fuel.

i walk, and nowadays kidscooter(only after 12am-6am when i need to get some cigg or drinks at 7-11). when im going far, i take the train.. so yeah. i think im doing my part.
Coal harms the environment more than oil and has a lower energy to mass ratio. And we are already harnessing electricity from incinerating rubbish. There are pros and cons to harnessing different sources of energy. You might solve one problem, but you create another problem. We will have to switch to another source of energy someday abd we will also have to deal with another set of problems that arises from tapping that source.

Green technologies have existed quite a while , our refrigerators and air-cons are much more energy efficient now, computers such as the acclaimed OLPC project are making milestones when it comes to energy efficient technologies and sustainable usuage of energy without hurting the environment.

The best way is still to reduce energy consumption, there are still many way to reduce energy consumption, for instance , i know there alot of people who leave their computers on for 24/7..
Our Prime Minister had mentioned the possibility of looking into nuclear power as a source of energy during the recent Energy Conference. I know that there is a lot of negativity attached to this form of energy resource, but there are more pros to it that one might popularly believe...

We should all park our cars anywhere, even if it's illegal to park there, get off the car, walk on foot to the Padang and open up the song " Rise Against - Worth Dying For "
*puts left hand around rork's shoulder and right hand around hifi killer's shoulder*
y cant we be friends???????????
y cant we be friends???????????
y cant we be friends???????????
y cant we be friends???????????
no fighting eh guys?
write in to some legislation and ask for a revision of the measurement for the Litre. if 500ml = 1L, then we'd have oil prices back at $1/l ! hahha
I think they should make cycling compoulsory education in Primary and Secondary Schools and all of us should own a bicycle. Then paint cyclist only lanes on roads and we can turn Singapore into a little China. Less cars, more cyclists, fitter, leaner people, and less use of oil. Then we can focus on using that oil for bigger and louder amps. Cool?
Or stop cutting trees to make guitars and recycle plastic bags to make plastic guitars! Like doogie's display pic lol..
"I've done some research on the history and various flavors of Poppycock®"

I think dir is the secret distributor of Poppycock in Singapore. Don't we have an anti-shilling rule in this forum? :mrgreen:

I agree with Lynda Lim and Geh Min (see today's Review article in today's Strait Times) - basically, things like water, air, oil and the general environment have been and are currently under-priced, so people pollute, and use them up indiscriminately as if these resources are infinite in supply. Instead of getting angry because prices have gone up so much, perhaps we should see that we had been enjoying un-supportably low prices in the past, and that we are coming up to actual values now and in the future. We have been behaving like the proverbial nouveau riche who, instead of carefully husbanding the family fortune, fritter it away and inevitably fall into poverty in future.