How To Do John Mayer-ish Stuff (licks, solos)

then what is the sound from continuum? his overdrive is much more ermmmm delicious. like during belief solo, slow dancing solo, bold as love solo

Which solos are you referring to? He had 2 different tones for some. A nice OD-ed amp driven by a TS808, and at times, a EHX Micro Synth.
he's lucky where he is now. If not, will just be another of us, in forum searching for that tone, in words and perceptions
I'm using 3 fender jeff beck noiseless pups on my deluxe players strat and they work well and come close to get the JM sound when cranked on my VOX 100VT. Its close but not right on the spot hence I agree that the tone is in his fingers.

I dont really think its too much about the gear although it does play a part too. I have seen a clip of him playing a gibson ES335 and his tone still rocks like his strat does.

Practice practice practice...

sound like JM?

to me his tone is more likely to hendrix rather than srv, his playing style are more to srv but tone wise its more like hendrix, he uses his own custom big dippers pups, which are scooped mids. so it sounded more glassy and slurry rather than srv tone which is twangy and gritty. well you can't get his pickups seperately unless you are rich enough to purchase from ebay. however i would recommend you to get fender custom 69 pickups. they are scooped mids, sounds close like the big dippers but not dead on.
I find that John Mayer's tone is the easiest to replicate.

Any fender strat into a ts808 into a decent amp will do. What I do to get that JM tone is this.

Fender Strat ---> Ts9 ---> Fender Amp

Instead of cutting the mids on the amp to replicate his tone, my ears told me to boost it. I boosted the mids and cut a little of the bass and viola, it's extremely similar (95%) to JM's tone. It's quite easy actually. But I find that most of the tone comes from his fingers.

He likes to use pentatonics and a very special way. Anchoring his index finger on 3 strings and using his 4th finger to hammer in all the notes in a sweeping action. Not forgetting his picking dynamics. He likes to pluck certain notes in a very agressive way halfway during a solo then suddenly tone down. Listen to him.

The harder tones to replicate will be Eric Clapton's. I spent a LONG LONG time trying to replicate his tone.

I like my tone in between a TS (John Mayer) and the dynamic uncompressed tone using a OCD (Eric Clapton). After trying to stack them together, I sold both and got the eternity.
hey guys, does he use purely cleans or does he pump in a lil bit of mild OD like the ts808? cant really make out!

His amp is slightly cranked. A op-amp based pedal like the ts sucks when used into a totally clean amp. My guess is that his amp is slightly cranked for more dynamics, and he controls the grit with his guitar's volume knob. For solos he kicks in a TS or the keeley blues driver for added thickness and sustain. SRV did the same thing with a ts808.
It is quite easy to get the tone :)

1. You gotta achieve his guitar-face
2. Tattoo your left arm!
3. BIG hands
4. Your hands must have a brain of its own (Anyone seen Neon from WhereTheLightIs? Dammit, the whole DVD is godly!)
haha i have a huge thumb. so its rather easy for me.

i wish i had paul gilbert's fingers though........

haha I think I need a wider palm...the size of the thumb helps, but not as much as a big palm!

PG's coordination is plain amazing...
yeah man....He's really one heck of a scary player...and for a shredder...he's pretty bluesy....and he plays better blues than Vai.... but hell..who couldnt play better blues than Vai? 8)
For one, his melodies appeal alot more to the masses than Vai's... his Mr Big days...good stuff! Ok sorry OT, this is a JM thread :D
haha yeah man.....anyways, its great to see John Mayer unleashing a bit of his 80s shredder influences....heard his solo on "Beat it" by Fall out boy? Or a cover of panama on youtube with the EVH replica guitar? JM is one heck of a really rich fella who knows how plonk down big buckeroos for limited edition stuff.
Yea the Beat It solo was pretty cool, not awesome, but cool. The Panama vid was quite a ruckus haha, and while it seemed really fun, I think JM should stick to his forte - blues-influenced pop-rock!
+1 to the guy who mentioned the reverse rakes... I think the raking part is really crucial to getting mayer's sound... cause he's so fluent at it... that's the SRV part that many have mentioned as well...

Does anyone have tips on practicing the raking technique? On the high E and B strings, I sometimes have trouble muting all the unwanted strings. Is it just the thumb working to mute or is do the other fingers come into play as well? Any help would be much appreciated.

The people who have posted thus far sound very knowledgable hahaha :)