How much does it cost to soundproof a room?

yea he has.. close window close everything put carpet. still damn loud.. neighbour come police come. in the end buy the pads. still damn noisy, neighbour still complain. pads still got the 'thump'

another thing is you can't 'thrash' out.. even with the pads. damn cock one la, like using paper for picks. how to play?
he lives on a 2 storey house.if on ground level.theoratically lesser noise is transferred thru the walls.but on 10th lars on rock am ring.
WTF!just was madonna playing a gibson les paul.must be my eyes.

you mean this one?

maybe she doesnt know how to play. just act only. haha
or maybe she's a shred-queen. whoa wouldn't that cause a revolution

i know a company that does such soundproofing for homes etc. can provide customised solutions. not too expensive.

if you are interested, can contact me. i'll pass on the contact.