how hard is your fingertip?

right now I',m playing 6 nights a week, four sets a night.

I got rock hard fingertip on my left hand including on my thumb and also 1st finger at the middle joint.

I also have worn /chipped off nails & bits of skin chipped and dried off my right hand ( I also use finger picking style)

Yes my hands are not soft to the touch anymore :(
all posters in this thead should meet up, line up & have an indepedant survey by non bias party to confirm who has most chalat hardness in their fingers.

Char bohs can apply for this job ...
haha... true.

but dont think i can fit the bill of having hard fingertips.... my skin just peels and peels until they're raw....

but i still keep playing.

yes, i'm nuts.
My fingers are killing me now !!!!! god hahaha . Acoustics really chew off the skin on my fingers
In your quest to achieve hard-as-nail fingertips, do remember to do your warm-ups and watch how you press those fingertips into the fretboard (no need too hard)..
There have been cases of nerve damage on guitarists' fingers and they experience numbness/pain in their fingertips. this may impede your future as a musician..
Is it getting callouses the matter,or actually the fingers being used to the fretting on the strings? My fingers aren't that hard but i'm used to fretting the strings already. It must be the action of the guitar and the string maintainence i guess?
Yes it's hard, but no it doesn't matter to me, cause seriously, what's the need for soft fingertips unless you're like a hand model or a pussy.