how hard is your fingertip?


New member
Your fingertip will be very hard after many years of playing right? Mine is like so hard until the nail cutter cant cut my nail and i got scolded by my mum for playing so much guitar... 1year plus only... can't imagine subversion's one... should be as hard as diamond already...

How about you guys? Your fingertips hard?
well. its not really unnecessary its just a topic that is some sort related to guitars. anyway. for me i actually don't know i still can cut fingernails lol. but seriously a pin really need to drive hard before it can actually poke through my fingertip skin :-D
Its just a freakin thread guys..
he's just asking whether if u play guitar for a long time will ur fingertips be hard..
i dun see how thats unnessecary...
mine isnt hard tho =.=
super hard man. just realized that the laptop pads can't really recognize my left fingertips. its usually harder for acoustic players or users of heavy gauges
When I first met my ex, she felt my hand, looked at me and asked, will you love me or your guitar more? *stunned*

i was thinking how does guitar affect ur fingernails though.. for me my fingertips's skin do become much harder but not my fingernails.. :)
hard fingertips good for digging articulate that outta this world vibrato...the moaning and wailing of the WOMAN tone....
the harder it is..the more you dig it..believe will scream....
