How can I get heavier chugs while palm muting?


New member
Guys I need some words of advice.. My DS-1 Ultra just doesn't cut it for palm muted heavy metal riffs, what can I do? There just isn't enough saturation, is that the word? Will a booster before my DS-1 help? Another thing is that it doesn't sustain very well while i'm doing repetive hammer-ons and pull-offs like 5h7p5h7p5 etc. Although I have better sustain when I use my FX100 in front of the DS-1 with a little gain, but it makes the sound too noisy for anything else. These are the cases of me needing more gain right?
Seems like you need more gain, or perhaps a pedal capable of heavier stuff. If you want the chugga chugga kinda palm muting sound, 3 things matter. The distortion, palm position and pick attack. Get the right amount of distortion, don't palm too much till it sounds dry, or too little and it sounds loose. Then strike the strings properly, perpendicular if possible. Well thats my style for getting heavy chugga chugga sounds. As for sustain, you need more gain. Basically thats all. Feel free to try this out.
smooth hammer-ons and pull-offs are possible with clean tones's the strength of your hammer-on / pull-off plus technique too...more gain just makes it easier to hammer on...
Yeah, need to hit the fretboard hard enough for the note to sound out. Thats why its called a HAMMER on. Use a hammer ya know? :D
Hmm. Actually the weak part of my playing are the pull offs, I hammer pretty hard, guess maybe I'll work on that. I can do 1 pull off but when there are many in a row and I have to execute them very fast it's kinda hard to get it nice and clear using 1 hand only and without high gain.. I can get good palm muting sounds on my amp's distortion channel, the sustain's ok too, so it's kinda like my pedal not having enough gain. Is there anything I can do to increase the gain? What other pedal can be used?
DS1 isn't really suited for very heavy metal imo... if as a booster for your amp distortion it helps a lot though.

things u can do:

1) Use thicker strings.
2) Get another pedal that's heavy. Maybe u can try a Trimetal, Uber metal or a Metal Zone.

As for noise - check ur setup. If using single coils, maybe u have to shield ur guitar? Use different cables and find which are the best ones for use. Check the guitar electronics to ensure all contacts are well soldered.
As for pull offs, keep practicing, Soon it will be as natural as shaking your best friend's hand.

As for the gain. You could try a tubescreamer pedal. Or change to another distortion pedal capable of handling more gain. Or simply have it modified? :D
thor666 said:
As for noise - check ur setup.

Aiyak. The noise is only there when I use my od pedal before the DS-1 with a bit of gain. And it isn't noise when I'm not playing, it's noise when I'm playing. It's perfectly fine when the gain is all the way down. I get a bit more distortion but it's not quite enough..
BlackMoo said:
As for pull offs, keep practicing, Soon it will be as natural as shaking your best friend's hand.

As for the gain. You could try a tubescreamer pedal. Or change to another distortion pedal capable of handling more gain. Or simply have it modified? :D

Ok.. I'll try practicing. About the TS, I will need to put it before the DS-1 right? What other pedal do you recommend? My DS-1 is Keeley modded already, don't think I wanna mod it some more, unless it's to increase the gain, but how?
Theres no right or wrongs in placement of pedals, just have to experiment which works better. As for modifying the DS-1, If you like it the way it is, leave it be, then buy a heavier pedal. I'd recommend a metalzone. or something by Ibanez/Boss.
your keeley DS-1 is a great pedal for lead...just leave it be...try finding a pedal for rhythm and use your ds1 for lead lor...if you're not happy with the rhythm sound..
hmm tricky. actually i did hear and try before a keeley modded DS1... it was the Vai SEM mod i think. as my friend and i agreed with the owner... the Keeley DS1 wasn't very impressive... it had less gain than we expected (unless u put ur guitar volume full, then it'll be ok). [was running old jap squier -> ds1 sem -> marshall avt100? overdrive channel was spoiled that day unfortunately - tubes had gone bad.]

u really might want to try other pedals in the meantime. i think keeley modded DS1 sounds best as a booster or with high output humbucking PUs.
Hmm I tried using my pedal to boost the clean channel of a cranked tube amp once.. FUN. :D

If I get a seperate pedal for rythm that means I have to switch between the pedals everytime I go into a solo.. Mafan leh. Was hoping to use a single pedal for distortion then have a switchable solo boost.

What pedals do you guys recommend apart from metal zone? Don't really like the tone of it. It's nice and heavy but I find it's too heavy for the stuff I play, like Iron Maiden, but ok for Metallica (may be too heavy also). How is the SansAmp GT2/Tri-AC and the VS J&H?

I was thinking of getting a compressor to use as a boost cum sustainer for my DS-1, is that wise?
Venturing into unchartered territory now. Not sure about those pedals. But I think a compressor may do good for sustain.
apart from pedals, the technique and picks used also play a part in order to get your preferred chugging sound.

maybe u would like to use JD RIFFS .96mm..

juz one of many inputs here :wink:
Omg dhalif has spoken..

Hmm.. I'm using a JazzIII pick, I think it's quite ok ya? I can get the chug from my amp's distortion channel but not from my pedal. And I like the tone of my pedal better..

Maybe I should get a booster for my DS-1.

Anyways, thanks guys :D