So I just started out building a pedalboard and have 4 pedals currently on there.
So I bought a godlyke PSU (2000mA) cos i read real good stuff about those and in Singapore, our power sources are usually clean enough.
So I connected the pedals at rehearsal and i hear this high pitched sound coming from the speakers (our church only does direct in).
My friend who's experienced said the PSU could be too high amperage.. he passed me one that i think was closer to 800-1000mA and the high sound stopped.
Could someone explain what's happening? Does that mean I bought the godlyke in vain?
Ok i tried process of elimination.. seems like the noise comes when i connect either the Boss CE-2 or a keeley TS9dx.
on the keeley it's abit more noticeable.. and the pitch changes when i activate/deactivate the switch. When I took those 2 out and just the polytune to my delay pedal the sound was clean.
Patch cables work too..
what should be my next step be?
I also forgot to mention that when he used my godlyke it too worked fine with no squeal.
So I bought a godlyke PSU (2000mA) cos i read real good stuff about those and in Singapore, our power sources are usually clean enough.
So I connected the pedals at rehearsal and i hear this high pitched sound coming from the speakers (our church only does direct in).
My friend who's experienced said the PSU could be too high amperage.. he passed me one that i think was closer to 800-1000mA and the high sound stopped.
Could someone explain what's happening? Does that mean I bought the godlyke in vain?
Ok i tried process of elimination.. seems like the noise comes when i connect either the Boss CE-2 or a keeley TS9dx.
on the keeley it's abit more noticeable.. and the pitch changes when i activate/deactivate the switch. When I took those 2 out and just the polytune to my delay pedal the sound was clean.
Patch cables work too..
what should be my next step be?
I also forgot to mention that when he used my godlyke it too worked fine with no squeal.